Today's Newsletter: Next Gen Learning @FETC

In one of dozens of sessions being offered @FETC in Orlando this week was a session from T&L advisors Leo Brehm (@leobrehm) and Andrew Wallace (@AndrewTWallace) called “Integrated Learning Ecosystem,” which they described as a “canvas,” where school leaders can create a thoughtful design process for accelerating personalized learning that gives educators insight on how to integrate IT systems seamlessly to deliver the right combination of digital content, collaborative tools and online learning environments. They name three core components to building a culture of next generation learning:
• Growth/Change Mindset: Your community of learning must be a community of constant change. Change and failure are a norm along with food at meetings.
• Good Teaming and Support: The learning community must be supportive from the top down. Psychological safety is a community norm.
• Question Centric Curriculum and Professional Development: Good Analytics answer the right questions at the time needed. The questions will always change or evolve.
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Christine Weiser is the Content and Brand Director for Tech & Learning, and has been with the company since 2008. She has reported on education for most of her career, working at Scholastic and Gale Publishing before joining Tech & Learning. Christine is also an author and musician, and lives in Philadelphia with her husband and son.