Inspire Others

As we kick off the school year, I wanted to share my poem from the Boston Tech and Learning poetry slam. As we start another year, set a goal to inspire someone to reach their full potential. Thanks Carl Hooker (@mrhooker) for pushing me to dig down and try this.
The Match
I don’t want you to hear this poem
I want you to feel this poem
Because I am sharing my biggest fear in education
A fear that will drive this conversation
That fear is wasted potential
when someone doesn’t reach their full potential – that scares me
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As educators, someone’s potential we often see
So how do I get over my fear
By become a match that lights somebody’s fire
Be the match that raises someone higher
Education is lighting a fire inside someone so they can be great
Lighting that fire can change someone’s fate
that student who needs a spark
that teacher who lost their desire
be that match to light their fire
FIRE is an acronym for you to remember
F – find your passion
What drives you to head into school every day
What drives you to mentor an aspiring teacher or leader often for no pay
Answer that
And That is your passion
I is for inspire
inspire somebody to reach their full potential
don’t just motivate them – inspiring is essential
we can motivate with extra credit
we can motivate with fear
But inspiring someone is when the potential will appear
You do that through building Relationships
be present
be accountable
get to know your students
get to know your colleagues
people learn FOR someone
not just From someone
And finally we get to E
every boy
every girl
every colleague
Every race
Because lighting someones fire starts in this place
Now close your eyes
Think of someone who’s fire needs be lit
Someone who needs a spark
You have someone in your thoughts
In your heart
Remember these words
Go back to school
and do something to light someones fire
You are the match
Through building relationships with everyone
And In your passion to inspire
You will be the match that lights their fire
Click here to watch me do this live at Tech and Learning Boston or watch below.
Dr. Matthew X. Joseph (@MatthewXJoseph) is currently Director of Digital Learning and Innovation for Milford Public School, Milford, Ma. Before Tech and Learning Boston 2018, he had the opportunity to present at #TLTechLive in Boston and New Jersey in 2017 and other state opportunities focused on Ed Tech Leadership and empowering teachers. Before Milford, he was a building principal for 11 years in Massachusetts. Other professional roles include: classroom teacher, PD specialist, and other district roles supporting technology instruction. Dr. Joseph holds licenses in general education, school administration, and MA superintendent. His master's degree is in SPED and he holds an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Boston College.
Dr. Matthew X. Joseph (@ MatthewXJoseph) is Director of Evaluation and Supervision in Brockton, MA.