Forget Real Learning???? … Get Them Ready For The Test????

Time for a little fun and reflection! I was looking at a post I did a while ago and wanted to bring it back once again with some updates. I call it “Forget Real Learning??… Get Them Ready For The Test?? Notice that I have used the question mark extensively!! Many educators are understandably faced with that same question mark when deciding where to focus their students’ learning! There is so much emphasis on the test that as teachers we often question our selves. My plea is to stop questioning the time spent in authentic learning; whether it be PBL, STEM, or 21st Century Skills. As long as these practices emphasize and assess standards I am certain there will me multiple signs of success. In fact, a focus on Real Learning!!…just might get them ready for the test!!. Have a great week and please smile as you enjoy the read! – Mike
Forget Real Learning?? … Get Them Ready For The Test????
1. Inquiry, problem solving, metacognition, reflection…. providing the facts is more time efficent ??… get them ready for the test??
2. Relationship building to grow a culture of learning… this can’t be found on an exam?? … get them ready for the test??
3. Teaching to the “Whole New Mind”… the right brain takes away too much time??… get them ready for the test??
4. Putting children at center of their learning, they may be way too inexperienced??… get them ready for the test??
5. Make connections with the real world, isn’t it all in the textbook??… get them ready for the test??
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6. Connecting disciplines and real world to bring about authentic learning…. isn’t there a good video for this ??… get them ready for the test??
7. Collaboration with other students to focus on learning, doesn’t the teacher have all the knowledge??… get them ready for the test??
8. Technology integration to facilitate deeper learning… shouldn’t a worksheet provide the learning neccessary?? … get them ready for the test??
9. Experiencing a multitude of learning experiences…. doesn’t this take away valuable lecture time ??… get them ready for the test??
10. Dive into Bloom’s Taxonomy or Webb’s DOK, why won’t Pavlov’s conditioning get the job done ??… get them ready for the test??
OK, I couldn’t stop at ten??… so I saved the best for last??
11. Their future, what’s the matter with our past??… get them ready for the test???????
Hope you enjoyed a little bit of fun! Don’t wait for the test to be over to facilitate real learning with your students. I really do feel if educators focus on “Real Learning”, not only will kids be ready for the test in school… but will be prepared for the ultimate test in real life! Please take a moment and subscribe to this Blog by RSS or Email. You may also wish to visit my 21centuryedtech Wiki and follow me on twitter at (mjgormans). Have a wonderful week and focus on “Real Learning!!”… get them ready for life!! – Mike
cross-posted at
Michael Gorman oversees one-to-one laptop programs and digital professional development for Southwest Allen County Schools near Fort Wayne, Indiana. He is a consultant for Discovery Education, ISTE, My Big Campus, and November Learning and is on the National Faculty for The Buck Institute for Education. His awards include district Teacher of the Year, Indiana STEM Educator of the Year and Microsoft’s 365 Global Education Hero. Read more at