DIY Professional Learning

Are you waiting for the perfect professional learning opportunity? Now you can stop waiting and design your own DIY (Do-It-Yourself) learning that leads to edtech, coding, and makerspace certificates. Below you can find three opportunities to get you started:
EdTech Tools & Resources
Symbaloo Certified [PAID: PRICE VARIES]
Symbaloo is a visual resource management tool to create customized web-mixes that organize web-based resources/bookmarks. There are three certifications available: Basic Certification, PD Certification, and a free Student Certification.
Creating & Coding
Picademy (Raspberry Pi Foundation) [FREE]
Tech & Learning Newsletter
Tools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.
Become a Raspberry Pi Certified Educator. Picademy is the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s free face-to-face professional development program that supports educators throughout their digital making and computing journey. This two-day training event is held at venues around North America. After completing the program, educators join a community of passionate digital making practitioners.
Pedagogy & Best Practice
Common Sense Media [FREE]
Common Sense Media provides educators with the tools and strategies necessary to become responsible and effective teachers (and users) of technology. After completing a two part application process, educators who are approved, obtain a digital badge and an invitation to become a Common Sense Ambassador.
Andrea Tejedor is the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction & Technology, at Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District in New York. She is an educator, researcher and consultant who presents regionally and nationally on leadership in the educational technology arena.
Sheri McNair is the Library Media Specialist at the James I. O'Neill High School and the Head of Library Services for her district. In addition to teaching information literacy and technology integration at the high school, she is a Google Certified Educator Level 2 and serves on the district’s technology team and the inquiry facilitation team.