My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (November 1, 2015)

- The Paradoxes of Education InnovationFrom Ben Grey "innovation is a beautifully romanticized notion. It brings to mind thoughts of amazing individuals like Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, and Marie Curie who so daringly defied and displaced the status quo. And therein lies the problem. - See more at:
- Patrick Larkin on Twitter: "Just published on @Edweek - An Interview With George Couros About The Innovator's Mindset #cpchat #edreform"Great read @patrickmlarkin interviews @gcouros #innovatorsmindset
- U.S. Technology Device Ownership 2015From Pew Research Center "68% of Americans have smartphones; 45% have tablet computers. Ownership of other digital devices has not grown in recent years."
- Spring Valley High Police Incident: Black Students Face Harsher Discipline in South Carolina Schools - The AtlanticFrom The Atlantic - "Black students in the Palmetto State are more likely to be punished and more likely to be subject to corporal punishment, which remains legal there."
- Fact Sheet: Testing Action PlanPresident Obama's initiative for less testingtags:testingactionplan
- Cesar Harada: How I teach kids to love scienceAt the Harbour School in Hong Kong, Cesar Harada teaches citizen science and invention to the next generation of environmentalists. He's moved his classroom into an industrial mega-space where imaginative kids work with wood, metal, chemistry, biology, optics and, occasionally, power tools to create solutions to the threats facing the world's oceans. tags:scienceted
- Improving Your Teaching Through Student FeedbackHow can we improve our lessons? When do we know what works and what doesn’t? In today’s show, Dean Shareski talks candidly about student feedback and the role of self-reflection in teaching. Improve the craft of teaching by incorporating his suggestions in your classroom routines. tags:studentfeedbackimprovingteaching
- Some Ideas for Personalizing Learning in the Younger Grades –tags:engagement
- 8 Online Learning Trends that are Changing the Learning LandscapeFrom Getting Smart - "we see eight trends–some emerging from K-12 providers, some from HigherEd–improving the opportunity to learn online."tags:onlinelearningtrendschanging
- you are only as good as your networkFrom Harold Jarche: "It was only through working out loud, learning out loud, and engaging the networks and communities that I had already developed, that I was able to accomplish the objective. In the end, I realized I was only as good as my network."tags:network
- Educational Leadership:Doing Data Right:Eliminating the Blame Gametags:leadershipdata
- Teacher Teacher Diaries...: My Teacher Evaluation was affected because I couldn't work free overtime to finish data entry...
- 'Sometimes I feel like being a teacher in the public school system is like being in a dysfunctional relationship' - The Washington Post
- Obama plan limits standardized testing to no more than 2% of class timeThe White House said Saturday the proliferation of testing in the United States — a problem the administration acknowledged it has played a role in — has taken away too much valuable time that could be better spent on learning, teaching and fostering creativity in schools. To curb excessive testing, Obama recommended limiting standardized exams to no more than 2% of a student's instructional time in the classroom.
- The Best Posts & Articles On Obama Administration’s Call For Fewer Tests | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…tags:testingobama
- Beau Lotto – Understanding Perception: How We Experience the Meaning We Create on VimeoBeau Lotto’s research into perception has shown that we don’t see the real world—just our version of it. It’s a version we’ve evolved to perceive, where shadows, shapes, and even how we understand time are meanings we ascribe to what we’re seeing. Our senses are telling us stories about the world—and we can control those stories to change our perceptions and ourselves. tags:perceptionstorytellingexperienceunderstanding
- Russ on Reading: Should Reading Be Taught in Kindergarten?"it is part of the work of children in kindergarten and, therefore, part of the responsibility of kindergarten teachers to make sure that every child is ready to become a successful reader. Most of this work can be accomplished through structured play. Here is the literacy knowledge that rising first graders should take with them from kindergarten."tags:readingkindergarten
- Dear USDOE, Testing Disaster Is Yours, and You Still Don’t Get It: A Readertags:standardizedtesting
- Where did Obama administration’s 2 percent cap on standardized testing come from?From the Washington Post - "The Obama administration has issued a Testing Action Plan that it says should help reduce over-testing in public schools. That plan includes a cap of 2 percent on the classroom time students spend on mandated standardized tests."tags:standardizedtestingcap
- How To Design A 21st Century Assessment -From Mike Fisher - "Contemporary curriculum design involves multiple facets: engaging 21st Century skills, using digital tools, collaborating with others around the globe, performance tasks, and more. Getting these design elements into a teacher’s current curriculum demands that teachers create professional habits around Replacement Thinking. In my book Digital Learning Strategies, I describe four considerations for Replacement Thinking around assessments. In a nutshell, those considerations include: tags:assessment21stcentury
- Celebrating Your School's Cultural DiversityGreat idea for a school culture night from Edutopia tags:diversityedutopia
- Towards Maturity 2015 benchmark shows just how much we've got stuckSeeing clear connections to adult learning in schools. - "The problem, for the call (to change) seems only to be heard by the already converted."tags:benchmarkprogressgrowthProfessionalDevelopment
- co-creating knowledge“One of the crucial leadership skills for today and future is ability to learn constantly from various high quality sources, synthesizing information and collaborating with a community to get a better grasp of the constantly changing reality.” tags:learningknowledgeleadership
- Helping Students Develop Resiliency and Emotionally Healthy Behaviors | ASCD InserviceFrom ASCD InService - "It wasn’t until a site visit last February to a high-performing elementary school in southern Oregon that PBIS clicked for the teachers. During the site visit, staff saw students just like those at Sandy Grade interacting with others and working together in a positive manner. That led staff to ask, “What’s the secret? How are you getting your students to persevere through challenges, work hard, and get along well with others?” The secret? "tags:PBISBehavior
- Google Classroom: Students Getting Startedtags:googleclassroomhowto
- Leverage Inquiry Projects to Combat Bullying | Edutopia Inquiry projects will get students to examine the causes and consequences of bullying and encourage them to generate their own solutions for change.tags:bullyingprojectsinquiry
- Teens Need More Sleep, But Districts Struggle to Shift Start Times - Education Weektags:sleepteenslatestart
- Editing a Periscope Video & Rotating Before Posting to YouTubetags:editingperiscopevideoyoutube
- Our high school kids: tired, stressed and boredFrom USA Today - "New survey findings suggest that when asked how they feel during the school day, USA high school students consistently invoke three key feelings: "tired," "stressed" and "bored."tags:highschoolengagementbored
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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