My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (October 25)

- iPad Pro Hands-on Makes the Case for Productivity Uses, Apple Pencil Is Excellent - Mac Rumorstags:ipadpro
- Start with a Question: Going Paperless Isn't About the (Lack of) PaperFrom Kerry Gallagher - "There is both excitement and criticism around the paperless classroom movement. Both camps have good intentions, but neither is focused on the right thing. It isn't about paper, or the lack of paper. It is about what the tech makes possible when learners push themselves to get creative."tags:paperless
- Schools exacerbate the growing achievement gap between rich and poor, a 33-country study finds - The Hechinger ReportFrom the Hechinger Report - "Rich kids get steered into more demanding math classes while poor kids get less challenging content"tags:growingachievementschoolsreport
- Lessons From McGraw Hill: The Eurocentric Influence on History Textbooks and Classrooms - The AtlanticFrom the Atlantic - "High-school textbooks too often gloss over the American government’s oppression of racial minorities."tags:racismtextbookeducation
- Openly Licensed Educational Resources: Providing Equitable Access to Education for All Learners | whitehouse.govFrom the US Dept. of Educationtags:oeropeneducationalresources
- What Scotland learned from making college tuition freeFrom Vox - "Bernie Sanders loves to talk about Denmark's liberal policies, including free higher education. But for his plan to make tuition free at public colleges, there's a better comparison: Scotland, which abolished tuition fees in 2000."tags:collegetuitionfree
- 6 Habits Of Mind That Will Impact The Future Of Work"Today I read a newsletter from my children’s elementary school. It said 60% of the jobs our middle schoolers learn habit of future workforcechildren will be competing for have not been invented yet. The school district has prepared “6 Habits of Mind” to equip the kids of the future of work."tags:habitsimpactstudentslearning
- Interview on Cell Phones in the Classroomtags:cellphoneclassroom
- NCMS Ed Camp Period - YouTubeStudent led #EdCamp Period Video from our MS! @patrickmlarkin @coolcatteacher @dalston411 @SchleiderJustin @mrnesitags:EdCamp
- Back to School with ResearchGreat resources for research from EdTechTeachertags:research
- Diigo Social Bookmarking Tutorial @coolcatteacherGreat tutorial on how to use Diigotags:diigotutorial
- You Look Good In My Class Twitter StreamGreat resources for teachers thinking about starting a class Twitter account from Alice Keeler.tags:classtwitterhowto
- Using Digital Portfolios as Authentic Assessment RepositoriesFrom ASCD In Servicetags:portfoliosassessment
- Clouds Over CubaGreat resource from the JFK Librarytags:Cuban Missile Crisishistorycloudsovercubadocumentary
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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