5 Reasons to Join Computing Communities

Teaching can be a lonely profession, especially if, as is often the case, you are the sole teacher of ICT or Computing in your school. Whether you’re on your own or part of a team, I’d thoroughly recommend joining a community or several. Why?
Let's all pull together! Photo by Opensource https://www.flickr.com/photos/opensourceway/
You’re not alone
The next time someone asks you to an impossible task, or a parent complains because you haven’t taught her child how to write their own operating system, a community is a good place to unburden yourself. Chances are, others in the group have faced the same thing themselves. It proves that you are not going insane — or, if you indeed are, at least you’re in good company.
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cross-posted at www.ictineducation.org
Terry Freedman is an independent educational ICT consultant with over 35 years of experience in education. He publishes the ICT in Education website and the newsletter “Digital Education."
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