Class Tech Tips: Free Virtual Visit with Author Kate Messner on Oct. 20th

Class Tech Tips: Free Virtual Visit with Author Kate Messner on Oct. 20th

The National Day on Writing takes place on October 20th and the folks atWeAreTeachers and Zaner-Bloser are hosting a special event for students in grades 3-5. New York Times Notable author Kate Messner will virtually visit classrooms through a special Google Hangout.

As part of Kate Messner’s visit, students will learn about the writing process from the perspective of a published author. Students will see how the writing process they go through in school — brainstorming, researching, planning, drafting and editing– is similar to the steps taken by this well-known children’s author.

Kate Messner will share how authors, editors, copyeditors and illustrators work as a team to publish a book. Students will have an opportunity to ask the author live questions during this completely free, special event. Teachers can also download free pre- and post-event activities to extend their students’ learning.

Visit WeAreTeachers’ website to learn more about this totally free National Day on Writing event!

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Monica Burns is a fifth grade teacher in a 1:1 iPad classroom. Visit her website at for creative education technology tips and technology lesson plans aligned to the Common Core Standards.