Technology Integration, 1 to 1, and Student Centered Learning: Five Ideas to Consider

Welcome to this first in a series of posts devoted to student centered learning in the technology enhanced classroom. This classroom might be 1 to 1, or might be using technology to leverage student centered learning. I have five powerful ideas on facilitating student centered learning with technology in this post. The next posts will include 16 sweet tools that are a must for that student centered classroom. Before reading, please take a moment to subscribe by email or RSS and also give me a follow on Twitter at mjgormans. I promise you will find some great information coming your way this school year…So Sign up now and please pass this on with a retweet! – Mike Gorman (
Series One: Five Important Ideas to Reflect on when Implement Technology and 1 to 1
With so many schools looking at providing technology enhancement and 1 to 1 possibilities, it is important to note that students… not technology… should be the center of learning. I challenge you to reflect on what a technology rich classroom might look like, sound like, and feel like. Every time I do this I am excited not by the techno-glitter, but by students interacting and taking ownership of the learning experience. This is a skill today’s students will be called on to do through the rest of their life. As you reflect on this wonderful classroom vision, please read through some of the ideas I believe that educators must consider as they consider the use of technology and the 1 to 1 model. Enjoy the ideas and reflections I provide in this post and then be ready to explore the 16 sweet tools/resources provided in the next posts. I believe these ideas and the following tools and resources will prove to be a powerful catalyst for the technology infused classroom geared at putting students in the center of learning! Last, you will want to become familiar with 5 important steps that should be considered when integrating web technology. It will be a part of the last post of this series. Let’s get started!
- Take Small Steps
- Allow for Flexibility
- Look Forward
- Look Backward
- Celebrate
- Beyond the Device
- Voice and Choice
- Authenticity
- Self-Regulation
- Alignment with Pedagogy
- Doors that Open
- Delivery of Learning
- Textbooks and OER
- Alignment with other Initiatives
- Student Creation of Curriculum
- Content Standards
- Career and College Ready Skills
- Formative Learning Opportunities
- Understanding of Models (SAMR)
- Blooms and Process
- Investigate and Visualize
- Experiment and Play
- Examine and Question
- Journey and Explore
- Access Experts and Develop Skills
In this post I have enjoyed introducing you to five ideas I feel are essential when integrating technology to promote student centered learning. In the next posts we will examine what I refer to as my sweet sixteen tools and resources that can promote student centered learning using technology. I will also share five ideas to consider when using modern day web technology and resources in the student centered classroom. I know these next post in this series will be ones you do not want to miss! Please sign up now, follow me on twitter, and share with others with a retweet!
Thanks for joining me on this wonderful journey of 21st century. Join me in future weeks as together we continue to explore several more posts devoted to the Flipped and Blended Learning, Project Based Learning, Assessing 21st century skills, PBL, STEM, technology integration, web resources, and digital literacy. I enjoy learning from all of you. Also remember to subscribe to this blog by RSS or email and follow me on twitter at mjgormans. I also appreciate your sharing of this post and any retweets. Keep up the amazing work, have a great week, and a enjoy this wonderful new school year. Welcome to the Future! – Mike Gorman
cross-posted at
Michael Gorman oversees one-to-one laptop programs and digital professional development for Southwest Allen County Schools near Fort Wayne, Indiana. He is a consultant for Discovery Education, ISTE, My Big Campus, and November Learning and is on the National Faculty for The Buck Institute for Education. His awards include district Teacher of the Year, Indiana STEM Educator of the Year and Microsoft’s 365 Global Education Hero. Read more at
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