My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (September 20, 2015)

- Make it Stop Great Huff Post from Dean Shareski - Sadly, it seems many of our leaders have also missed out on the learning revolution that is taking place all around them. The second thing that has to change is our definition of "doing better". We should be asking how technology is changing teaching and learning. Questions like "What can this technology do that couldn't be done without it? These questions lead to fundamentally different ideas about what classrooms can and should look like.tags:edtechteachinglearningshareski
- Four Lessons for Life, Leadership, and Learning: A Tribute to the late Grant Wiggins | ASCD Inservicetags:lifelessonsleadershiplearninggrantwiggins
- 700 Free eBooks for iPad, Kindle & Other Devices | Open Culturetags:ebooksbooksresourcesreadingOER
- Curriki | Inspiring Learning Everywheretags:resourcesOERcurriculumlearningeducation
- OER Commonstags:OERresourcescommonsOpenweb2.0
- Virginia Community Colleges Building Degrees with No Textbook Costs | Community Idea Stationstags:oerbeyondyhetextbook
- Illinois Open Educational Resourcestags:OERillinoislearning
- Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) at SEDLThe effective implementation of a new program is a highly personal developmental process. The diagnostic dimensions of CBAM are three components for assessing and guiding this process:tags:CBAMchangeLeadership
- Skill-Building Approaches to Anxiety-Fueled Work AvoidanceGreat article from Jess Minehan - Behavior is a way of communicating, and a symptom of an underlying problem. In my experience, when you dig into the roots of work avoidance, you find skill deficits in initiation, persistence, self-monitoring and/or help-seeking behavior. These are the cornerstone skills necessary to overcome the stress, anxiety and perceived or actual difficulty associated with a task." tags:anxietySEL
- Grading and Returning Assignments in Google ClassroomFrom Ken Halla - The video takes you through all of the grading steps and options (for Google Classroom).tags:googleclassroomhowto
- #ReadyForSuccess: Department of ED Highlights District’s Strategic Use of OER | EdCentralGreat example of a district using Open Education Resourcestags:oerdistrict
- It’s Not About “All of the Time”, but About Having AccessFrom George Couros - Discussing initiatives such as BYOD or 1-to-1 technology initiatives, there is often a lot of fear about “balance”. First of all, the notion of “balance” is something that I truly believe should not be determined for anyone other than yourself. What is “balance” to one, might look significantly different to someone else. tags:balanceaccess
- Gaps in Earnings Stand Out in Release of College DataFrom the New York Times - Colleges give prospective students very little information about how much money they can expect to earn in the job market. In part that’s because colleges may not want people to know, and in part it’s because such information is difficult and expensive to gather. Colleges are good at tracking down rich alumni to hit up for donations, but people who make little or no money are harder and less lucrative to find.tags:earningscollegedatacollegesearch
- Learning Calculus Without Direct InstructionFrom Dan Meyer - Clarifying, because I’m frequently misinterpreted: I don’t think learning calculus without direct instruction is logistically possible over anything close to a school year, or that it’s philosophically desirable even if it were possible.tags:learningcalculusinstruction
- Survey: Social Media Is Failing To Find Traction In The Classroom -A University of Phoenix® College of Education survey conducted online by Harris Poll in April among 1,002 U.S. K-12 teachers finds only 13 percent of today’s K-12 teachers have integrated social media into classroom learning, with an overwhelming majority (87 percent) reporting they have not embraced social platforms. Additionally, more teachers are citing a reluctance to incorporate social media into classroom learning than in 2013 (62 percent vs. 55 percent). tags:socialmediaclassroom
- Even the tech savvy should turn off their phones and listen | Bruno Giussani | Comment is free | The GuardianThe ban “gave permission” to listen focusedly with the real others in the room, rather than having to share and exhibit their presence to virtual others online.tags:techcommentbalance
- Digizip | Technology for EducationGood resource for reviewing tech toolstags:technologyeducation
- Constant Social Media Presence May Jeopardize Teens' Mental HealthTeens who feel a round-the-clock compulsion to participate on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter may pay a price in lost sleep. They may also face a higher risk for depression and anxiety, new research suggests.tags:socialmediamentalhealthteens
- Peer Reviewed Study on #Edcamp Now Open Sourcesome great evidence about the efficacy of Edcamps published in Professional Development in Education.tags:EdcampProfessionalDevelopment
- Michael’s Space: A High School Teacher Reflects on Setting Up His Classroom | The First 900 DaysMy classroom! My Space: A High School Teacher Reflects on Setting Up His Classroom via @MTANewMembers #sschat #edchattags:sschatedchat
- 5 Authentic Roles For Twitter In Your SchoolFrom Teach Thought - 5 Authentic Roles For Twitter In Your School Find resources Develop Student Thinking Help Teachers Engage With A Global Professional Learning Network (See also 20 Ways To Improve Your PLN) Monitor Emerging Trends Find Professional Developmenttags:twitterschool
- Toward Better Growth Measures | Getting SmartFrom Tom Vander Ark - The other day I woke up thinking about growth measures. I know that seems weird but better growth measures are key to the future of personalized learning and the end of heavyweight year end tests. I reached out to Matt Chapman, the CEO of NWEA, another guy obsessed with student growth.tags:growthmeasures
- Kids Do Well if They Can Ross Greene #1 - YouTubeDr. Ross Greene - Kids do well if they can...tags:kidsbehaviorcollaborativeproblemsolving
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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