My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (August 30, 2015)

- Nonacademic Skills Are Key To Success. But What Should We Call Them? : NPR Ed : NPRFrom NPR - More and more people in education agree on the importance of learning stuff other than academics. But no one agrees on what to call that "stuff".tags:mindsetsuccesssoftskills
- PBIS websitetags:PBISSEL
- Social and Emotional Learningtags:SELlearningsocialeducationedutopia
- Morning Meetings, Check-Ins, and Social-Emotional LearningIt’s not enough to simply fill students’ brains with facts. A successful education demands that their character be developed as well. That’s where social and emotional learning comes in. SEL is the process of helping students develop the skills to manage their emotions, resolve conflict nonviolently, and make responsible decisions.tags:SELResponsiveClassroom
- School of Education at Johns Hopkins University-The Responsive ClassroomFrom Johns Hopkinstags:ResponsiveClassroomSEL
- Morning Meeting for Beginners on Pinterest | Morning Meetings, Responsive Classroom and Morning MessagesPinterest board on Responsive Classroom Morning meetingtags:ResponsiveClassroom
- "Come and Play, Everything's A-OK" in the Responsive Classroomtags:responsiveclassroom
- The Sleeper - YouTubeThis is a great video to share with all teachers regarding students who seem disengaged in their class. We ned to get to know these students and not just take it personally. tags:studentsdisengaged
- Podcasting - Simple Podcasting Workflows - OwnerFUEL -From Chris Brogantags:podcasting
- Americans’ Views on Mobile Etiquette | Pew Research Center‘Always on’ mobile connectivity poses new challenges for users about when to be present with those nearby or engaged with others on their screenstags:americansetiquettepewresearch
- Ed Tech Evaluation Plan: More problems than I initially thought -e-LiterateBy Phil HillMore Posts (356) Late last week I described the new plan from the US Department of Education (ED) and their Office of Educational Technology (OET) to “call for better methods for evaluating educational apps”. Essentially the ED is … Continue reading →tags:edtechevaluationplan
- There’s an app for that. Well, maybe.The Department of Education plans to evaluate ed-tech’s effectiveness. tags:edtechevaluation
- Literacy Design CollaborativeLiteracy Design Collaborative (LDC) created an instructional design platform that provides free online tools and resources for creating literacy-rich assignments and courses across content areas. LDC CoreTools is a guided online experience that supports teachers in planning and creating curricula, allowing them to effectively collaborate with colleagues across their school or across the nation.tags:literacycommoncore
- Wait Time: “What’s in It for Me?”Great article to share with new teachers on Wait time from Ed Leadership. Love the author's recommendation to change the name from wait time to think time.tags:waittimeascd
- 15 Bloggers choose their Top 10 Tools for LearningA few new tools to check out here.tags:toolslearningsocial
- 21st Century Learning with Explain EverythingFrom Courtney Pepe - A great tool for assessment in the 21st Century is the app Explain Everything (iOS, Android, Windows, & ChromeOS). Explain Everything is a unique, interactive screencasting whiteboard app that can be used as a tool for ongoing assessment.tags:explaineverything
- How to Make Your Questions EssentialFrom Grant Wiggins - Essential questions rarely arise in a first draft. Here's how to construct good ones.tags:questioninglearninghowtoessentialquestions
- Manage Your Personal Calendar In Sync With Your Team CalendarGood overview to share with people of how to make the most of Google calendar tags:personalcalendarsynchowtogooglecalendar
- How not to flip your lid over college applicationsIt is unclear exactly what fuels this hysteria and ignites a sense of panic among students. Media hype, peer culture, parental pressure, and sinking admit rates (at a handful of the most selective colleges) surely share the blame for this atmosphere of unease. We must ask ourselves as educators and parents how to best combat this anguish. How do we keep students healthy? tags:collegeadmissionsapplicationscommonapp
- National Cyber Security Awareness MonthGood resources to share with staff and students tags:cybersecurityawareness
- About KinderLab | KinderLab Roboticstags:robotics
- Some of my leadership beliefs A good list of Leadership beliefs from Scott McLeodtags:leadership
- How Romance Scammers Port Video Files Over Skype (Video)A look at how scammers use web-based pictures and video to fraudulently use someone else's image in a phony online profile.tags:videofilesskypeidentitytheft
- Rediscovering @CK12Foundation Flexbooks And More!From Steve Anderson: I can remember many an afternoon spent in high school science and math classrooms talking about CK-12 Flexbooks. These were online, high-quality, completely customizable textbooks that, in addition to having some really great content were completely free to use and change. Teachers jumped at the chance to integrate them because they could supplement other content into their text and take advantage of them being digital by adapting them on the fly.tags:ck12flexbooksbeyondthetextbook
- What Facebook’s Anti-Bias Training Program Gets Righttags:biastrainingantibullyingacceptance
- 6 Ideas for Creating Math CentersFrom Beth Holland and Suzy Brooks - Whether you have a single computer, an interactive whiteboard, a cart of Chromebooks, or a handful of iPads in your classroom, the learning center approach can be used to encourage students to engage with math concepts. In addition to Suzy, I would like to credit the fantastic work of Kristen Wideen and Meghan Zigmond for most of these ideas.tags:mathcenters
- 3 Ways to Curate and Share Great Contenttags:curationsharingnetworking
- 5 Strategies for Teaching Close Reading with Techtags:strategiesreadingclosereading
- Google Apps update alerts: Head back to school with new features in Google ClassroomFrom the Google Apps team: As teachers gear up for the new school year, we’re adding a number of new features in Google Classroom to help them save time, engage with students, and keep everyone organized. Most of these features are rolling out this week, with others coming soon. tags:googleclassroomhowto
- My Tweeted Times - top stories by , ,My Tweeted Times - top stories by @DanaAriss, @MatthewOldridge, @patrickmlarkin
- Giving Effective Feedback is a Work For/Work On Process [Activity]Quality feedback should always lead to action on the part of the learner. Providing feedback without providing time to act is essentially wasting time and intellectual energy (William, 2011).tags:feedbackprocessactivity
- How to Turn Rubric Scores into Gradestags:rubricscoresgradeshowto
- Is It Time for Your Social Media Strategy to Move Beyond the Puppy Stage? - edSocialMediatags:socialmediastrategyhowto
- Google Classroom: 8 Essential Tips Infographictags:googleclassroomtips
- Updated Comparison of Blogging Platforms for Teacherstags:bloggingplatformscomparison
- Copyright and Creative Commons ExplainedFrom Richard Byrne - The following two videos from Common Craft provide excellent overviews of these topics.tags:creativecommonscopyright
- Taking Notes: Is The Pen Still Mightier Than the Keyboard?A recent study published in Psychological Science confronts the issue head-on. Researchers Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer asked students to take notes on a 20-minute video lecture using either longhand or a computer that had been disabled for any other use. They wanted to remove the distractions that have given note-taking on computers lower marks for memory and comprehension. “Even if you are using computers exactly as they’re supposed to be used, might that still be hurting learning?”tags:Notetakingneuroscience
- Chromebooks 101: A Guide to Chromebook Successtags:chromebookguide
- Support for Teachers in a Competency Education SchoolFrom Getting Smart Blog - As a growing body of schools and districts recognize the need for deeper, blended, competency-based learning environments for students, how must the role of teachers evolve to create and sustain them? tags:competencycompetencybased
- Catching Cheating Using Google DriveFrom Ken Halla - Now that Google Classroom is finally getting better than using Google Drive, I will tell you how to catch cheating in Google Classroom later in the fall, but for now if your students turn in assignments using Google Drive below is a very quick video showing how to catch copying in your class and between sections of different teachers. tags:cheatinggoogledrivenewteachersweeklytips
- Google Classroom: Add Other Documents to Class FolderFrom Alice Keeler - I added collaborative notes documents to Google Classroom as “Students can edit file.” I did not want to push out a copy of the document to each student since the students are working in groups. This means that the collaborative document does NOT show up in the Google Classroom class folder for the student.tags:googleclassroomdocumentsclassfolder
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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