My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (August 9, 2015)
- A List Of Useful Resources On Teaching Information & Digital Literacytags:digitalliteracyinformationliteracyresources
- 5 Back to school teacher tips that really workGood ideas to start the year from Suzy Brookstags:backtoschooltipsnewteachers
- How to Annotate Videos Through VibbyFrom Richard Byrne - The video embedded below demonstrates how to highlight and comment on videos through Vibby.tags:howtovibbyvideos
- Add a Text to Speech Function to Your BrowserFrom Richard Byrne - Announcify is a free text to speech application that is available as a Chrome browser extension. With Announcify installed in your browser any time you're viewing a webpage you can simply click on the Announcify icon in your browser and have the text of the page read to you. tags:speechtexttospeechbrowser
- Welcome to the Hootsuite Dashboard, Instagram!From Hootsuite - We are so freaking excited and we just can’t filter it! Instagram, the “King of Social Engagement,” the image behemoth, and the social network requested by more of our users than any other, is now integrated with Hootsuite! Insert all of the happiest emojis!tags:hootsuitedashboardinstagram
- Diigo for Bookmarking & Class GroupsGreat look at how to set up and use Diigo Bookmarking for yourself or with students from Ken Hallatags:diigobookmarking
- A 6-Part Structure for Giving Clear and Actionable FeedbackFrom Harvard Biz - six basic questions to discuss during a bimonthly (every other month) one-on-one meeting with each admin team member.tags:feedbackleadership
- BYOD and Printing: What You Should Be DoingSome good ideas here for students and teachers in a 1to1 environmenttags:printingdailygenius1to1byod
- Inside the New TNTP Research: Is Teacher Training Just An Expensive Waste of Time? | The 74More on the TNTP study that discusses that PD is a waste of timetags:researchteacherprofessionaldevelopment
- Is PD Behind Teacher Improvement? Maybe Not, Analysis CautionsFrom Stephen Sawchuk on Edweek - In case studies of three districts, TNTP failed to find any pattern linking those teachers who improved their craft to a specific type of professional development. And that's despite those districts spending an average of $18,000 annually per teacher on classroom coaching, workshops, and other forms of support.tags:professionaldevelopment
- Study: Billions of dollars in annual teacher training is largely a wasteFrom the Washington Post - A new study of 10,000 teachers found that professional development — the teacher workshops and training that cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year — is largely a waste.tags:PDprofessionaldevelopment
- Seesaw 2.0 - More Great Features for Building and Sharing Digital Portfoliostags:portfoliossharing
- The Netflix Effect on TrainingFrom Inc - It's time to let go of "old school" approaches to content creation and delivery such as on-site classrooms, lifeless webinars and content created within the "ivory tower" and offer training that is digital, socially accessible, authentic, personally relevant and self-paced.tags:trainingprofessionaldevelopment
- Answers To “What Do You Do On The First Day Of School?”tags:firstdaynewteachersbacktoschool
- 10 New Ideas for Creating Literacy Centerstags:literacycenters
- Curriculum Mapping as a Journey Part 3: Exemplarstags:curriculummappingblog
- Guide: Using the SAMR Model to Guide Learning | That #EdTech Guy's BlogUsing the SAMR Model to Guide Learning by @ThatEdTechGuy #edtech #SAMR #ipaded
- 10 Ways to use Instagram in the classroom - Daily Geniustags:instagramhowto
- Literally Everything I Know About Modeling With Mathematics [SMP 4]From Dan Meyer - I’ve thought about “modeling” more than I’ve thought about any other specialization in mathematics. I’m learning less and less about it each year so I’m hopping onto a different track for awhile, moving onto other questions. First, I wanted to collect these links in one location:tags:mathmodelingdanmeyer
- Getting Started With Frugal InnovationFrom Cale Birk - Along with friend and colleague Simon Breakspear, I have been kicking around the idea of frugal innovation for the past few months. While frugal innovation is a term that is often used in fields outside of education, and there have been a number of books about the concept, it can be adapted to education with a definition such as this:tags:innovationcalebirkleadership
- Let’s Get to Know You! 20+ Icebreakers for KidsGreat list of ice breakers from Shell Terrelltags:icebreakersnewteachers
- Beyond Assessment: 3 Other Uses for Socrativetags:assessmentsocrativehowto
- Implementing FIT Teaching® at Anaconda HighGood overview of the Framework for Intentional and Targeted Teachingtags:fitteachingascd
- Official SAT® Practice | Khan Academytags:satpracticekhan
- Parent Parties: Teaching and Learning Fun!Good idea to bring parents into the school, make connections and build understanding about what is happening in the school.tags:ptchathomeschoolconnections
- Simplify with These 12 Lesson Planning ToolsFrom Graphite's Blog - New year = new lesson planner. Why not ditch your paper planners and go digital this year? With these apps and websites, you can bring lesson planning and design into the 21st century.tags:lessonplanningtoolsgraphitenewteachers
- Key & Peele - TeachingCenterComedy Central looks at what teaching would look like if it was viewed like sports. tags:teachingcenterspoofcomedycentral
- SimplyCircle Helps You Organize Communication With ParentsFrom Richard Byrne - Through SimplyCircle you can create an online community for parents of students in your classroom. You can use SimplyCircle to send messages, organize tasks for parent-volunteers, and post updates about things happening in your classroom and in your school. Parents don't have to sign into SimplyCircle daily because you can choose to send a daily digest of updates to their email addresses.tags:communicationelementaryschoolnewteachers
- Up Periscope? New Rules for the Latest Social Media ToolImportant conversation from Carl Hooker - On one hand I love the concept of free-flowing information to the masses. On the other hand, the digital citizen in me feels like there should be some level of permission asked or granted prior to filming an entire event. It makes me wonder:tags:periscope
- WixED Teaches You How to Build a Website...on WixFrom Richard Byrne - WixEd is a free online course all about building and maintain a website through Wix. tags:howtobuildwebsite
- How to Create Diigo GroupsGood overview of how to use Diigo groups from Richard Byrne - Diigo groups provide a good place to share resources with students and have them share with you and each other. Diigo groups can be private. I ask students to add notes to the links that they share in a group. Those notes should provide the rest of the group with an explanation of why the link is useful. tags:diigohowtogroups
- Photos For Class - The quick and safe way to find and cite images for class!Teachers have told us they need a place to access safe images that are available to be used in the classroom and for educational purposes. Plus they want accurate image citations. We’ve heard you and created “Photos For Class” to meet your needs for images! - See more at:
- Essential Habits of an Excellent Educatortags:newteachershabitseducator
- Letter grades: The dinosaur that needs to go extinct - School LeaderFrom Gary Houchens - Letter grade systems tend not to deliver meaningful, actionable feedback to students. Mostly they just serve as a proxy for a system of rewards and punishments that has little to do with what students have actually learned.tags:grades
- Is Your Professional Learning Community a Farce?From Jennifer Gonzalez - Many schools now use Professional Learning Communities for teacher collaboration, but whether they all truly fit that description is up for debate.tags:PLC
- New! Professional Growth Features on GraphiteFrom Graphite - At this year’s ISTE conference, we launched three new features in Graphite’s Teacher Center:tags:growthgraphiteblog
- Using Hootsuite to Spread Your School's MessageFrom Richard Byrne - Hootsuite allows you to schedule Tweets and Facebook posts to appear on a schedule of your choosing.
- A Carnegie Foundation Report Defines and Examines the Value of Grit and Motivation in Education - The AtlanticFrom The Atlantic - Research suggests that, in the United States, the more motivation students say they have, the better they perform on various academic assessments. But that trend doesn’t seem to apply across countries.tags:valuemotivationeducation
- The Common Core, explainedtags:commoncore
- Announcing: CK-12’s new partnership with Google ClassroomFrom CK12 - We’re proud to announce that we have integrated the Google Classroom share button within CK-12. Now, teachers and students will be able to access our entire library of content in conjunction with the Google Classroom platform.tags:googleclassroomck12
- Managing BiasFacebook publishes its Anti-Bias course for all to usetags:diversitybias
- Conservatives convinced College Board to rewrite American history - The Washington PostThe College Board, which has been under fire during the past year from conservatives for revisions it made to the AP U.S. History course, released a new version that it says responds to “principled feedback” from critics.tags:collegeboardaphistory
- You Can Now Create Your Own Activities With Amazing Math App Desmos | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…tags:appactivitiesmathdesmos
- Ed-Tech Funding: The Year (The Data) So FarFrom Audrey Watters - Investments in ed-tech are at a record high, Inside Higher Ed and Education Week (among others) have observed. tags:dataedtechfunding
- Signing off: Finnish schools phase out handwriting classesFrom The Guardian - Schools in Finland are phasing out cursive handwriting classes in favour of keyboard skills, as officials accept that texting, tapping and tweeting have taken over as the primary means of communication in the modern age.tags:handwritingkeyboarding
- SOLE experience encourages 'deeper learning' - Press Office - Newcastle UniversityProf Sugata Mitra has shown that groups of eight-year-olds can answer GCSE and A-level questions using the Internet, and also retain this knowledge several months later. tags:solesugatamitra
- Let’s Get Rid of Acceptable Use PoliciesGood post on what we should look for in AUP's from Karl Fisch - Instead of making a list of all the things you can’t do with technology and on the Internet, what if we made a list of all the things that not only can you do, but you should do? What if students and staff had to sign an agreement that stated these are all the ways that a responsible student or staff member should be using technology and the Internet if they are to be a functional, literate, contributing member of society?tags:aupkarlfisch
- The Web We Need to Give StudentsFrom Audrey Watters - In developing this “personal cyberinfrastructure” through the Domain of One’s Own initiative, UMW gives students agency and control; they are the subjects of their learning, not the objects of education technology software.tags:studentsportfolioprivacy
- Googlefying PBL - Google SlidesSlide presentation from Shaelynn Farnswothtags:googlepbl
- Four Reasons Any Action Is Better than None - HBRFrom Rosabeth Moss Kanter - Of course, sitting still can be a good thing if it involves renewal, reflection, and focused attention (or having meals with the family). But sitting still can be a bad thing if it involves procrastination, indecision, and passivity.tags:actionleadership
- From the Department of Don’t Get Ready, Get Started But for the sake of reminding me to keep going back to it, here are her four big points on why getting started beats getting ready: Small wins matter Accomplishments come in pieces Perfection is unattainable anyway Actions produce energy and momentumtags:leadershipteambuilding
- 12 Good Resources for Teaching Digital Citizenship - A PDF HandoutFrom Richard Byrne - my favorite digital citizenship resources for elementary, middle, and high school students.tags:digitalcitizenshippdfhandoutresources
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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