My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (July 19th, 2015)
- AISD: Physical Education and Health EducationBelow are links to several brain break videos. Brain Breaks are designed to be short in duration, which allows students a chance to move and refocus their attention.tags:brainbreaksengagementlessonplanning
- Teaching Math With Real World ExamplesVideos from the Teaching channel on connecting math to lifetags:mathconnectionsteaching
- A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Explanatory Animated GIFstags:gifscreatinghowto
- Why I Blog (And How You Can Too) - The EdubloggerGood post to help people get started with blogging from Sue Waters. tags:bloggingblogwhyhowto
- AppoLearning - Professional Learning ResourcesList of Professional Learning Resources curated by Steven Andersontags:professionallearningresources
- The Humanities As Survival Skill | HASTACGreat post from Cathy Davidson on the current state of higher ed. (and secondary ed for that matter). Are students getting the courses that they need most?tags:humanitiescollegehighered
- How to Convert an Image of Text into an Editable Google Doc - YouTubetags:howtoconvertimagetextgoogledocs
- HoloLens | Holo Lens Studio Demo | Windows 10Worth watching - Microsoft HoloLlens brings holography into physical world. Now its possible to create what you think. Its easy to convert your imagination into designs. Easier to explore the places never actually being there.tags:lenshololensmicrosoft
- Sesame Street: Sings "What I Am" - YouTube#StatusQuo session w/ @Jeff_Zoul @casas_jimmy Reminds me think of WillIAm's What I Am #EdcampLdrtags:StatusQuoEdcampLdr
- down silos in education tags:resources
- Leave voice comments in Google Docs with Kaizenatags:googledocskaizenavoicecommentscomments
- New Links & Videos On Race & RacismResources on racism from Larry Ferlazzotags:racismresources
- 3 Helpful Google Drive Settings You Should KnowThree Google Drive settings from Richard Byrne: 1. Google Docs offline 2. file conversion 3. photo folder creationtags:googledrivehowto
- The new essential questions...Important question from Chris Casal and Angela Maiers - Are we using technology to empower/enable our kids to make the world awesome?tags:essentialquestionsmission
- The Past, Present and Future of School DesignFrom Michael Horn - "To maximize the benefits of blended learning, we’ll need to rethink not just the system architecture of schooling, but also the physical architecture of schools themselves. We need more designers and architects thinking about how schools should change their physical design, clarifying the principles underlying these changes, and illuminating the path to move from today’s egg-crate boxes to designs fit for the future." tags:michaelhornschooldesignblendedlearning
- Three teaching leaders on the 'why' and the 'how' of 1-to-1tags:1:1howto
- Make Change Sticktags:changeleadership
- Periscoping Teachers: How to Get Startedtags:howtoperiscope
- How Climate Scientists Feel About Climate Change Deniers - Jason Box Tweet ControversyHow bad is it? Climate scientists are reporting PTSD. We teaching our kids to cope with future? #edchat #notonccsstags:edchatnotonccss
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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