My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (June 21st)
- Plan and Share Biking and Walking Routes on Google's My Mapsfrom Richard Byrne tags: googlemaps
- Take a Deep Dive into Close ReadingResources from ASCD tags: closereadingliteracy
- Informing Science Institute - A Quantitative Investigation into the Impacts of 1:1 iPads on Early Learner’s ELA and Math Achievement tags: ipadsachievementresearch
- 3 Pinterest Marketing Tips for Schools tags: marketingtipsschoolspinterest
- Can Students Have Too Much Tech? tags: studentstechnewyorktimes
- Roles of Readers in Close Reading tags: readersreadingascd
- How to Create Image Collages and More on CanvaGreat overview of Canva by Richard Byrne tags: canvahowtoimages
- How to Get Your School Announcements to as Many People as Possible tags: howtocommunicationsocialmedia
- Amazon Updates Whispercast For Simpler Use In Education tags: amazondigitalcontentwhispercastebooks
- Common Core & Social Emotional LearningGood resources from Larry Ferlazzo tags: socialemotionallearningcommoncore
- When It Comes to Ongoing HR Development, It’s Really Up to You | TLNT tags: professionaldevelopment
- Guide for creating standing desks tags: standupdesksstandingdesks
- Standing desks improve learning outcomes at New Westminster school - British Columbia - CBC News tags: standingdesksclassroomenvironment
- What drives the most high-achieving teams? How are you nurturing such work in your schools? tags: teamsschoolslearning
- Taking Close Reading to the Next Level with Text-Dependent Questions | ASCD Inservice tags: readingclosereadingliteracy
- Believe It Or Not, Most Published Research Findings Are Probably FalseFrom Big Think - Perhaps most important and most difficult to change, is the structure of perverse incentives that places intense pressure on scientists to produce positive results while actively encouraging them to quietly sit on negative ones. tags: articlesresearch
- Mozgov denies Iguodala at the rim - ESPN VideoNOT in Mozgov's house! Iguodala's shot gets swatted away by the big man.
- Horizon Report 2015 k-12 edition tags: HorizonReportTechnology2015
- The Man Who Sold The MoonThis novella (reading time: 2 hours) is from the collection Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Future, edited by Ed Finn and Kathryn Cramer. It is nominated for a Locus award and a Sturgeon Award. tags: corydoctorow
- How to create eBooks on a Mac tags: ebookshowto
- Summer Reading Recommendations for Educators 2015A good list from Jonathan Martin tags: readingrecommendationseducators
- The Best Resources For Helping Teens Learn About The Importance Of SleepSome great studies on teens and sleep tags: sleepstudiesresearch
- Blogging With Students In 5 Simple Stepsgood post from Sue Waters on setting up Edublogs with teachers tags: bloggingedublogs
- Good Thinking!From the Smithsonian Science Education Center tags: thinkingyoutubesmithsonian
- Data mining finds lessons about procrastinationFrom the Hechinger Report - In one recent data-mining analysis, researchers from an education technology company found that almost one third of the students they studied waited until the day before the due date to start their chemistry homework (typically weekly problem sets). And these students scored 3 percentage points lower, on average, than their classmates. In other words, if the class average was 88, the procrastinators scored 85. tags: dataprocrastinationlessons
- Things to MUST know if just starting out as a coacThings to MUST know if just starting out as a coach via @USABasketball
- Why Ed Tech Is Not Transforming How Teachers TeachArticle from Ben Herold in Edweek - Adults seem to be the ones holding up progress in using technology to improve learning tags: EdTechtechintegrationIn a forthcoming study by researcher Emily Rodgers of The Ohio State University, in Columbus, and her colleagues, 1st graders in low-performing elementary schools showed statistically significant gains in their ability to identify letters after using an iPad app called LetterWorks. Their teachers, however, expressed reluctance about continuing to use the app, in large part because they held a philosophical belief that tactile learning is important for young children.
- Every marketing challenge revolves around these questionsFrom Seth Godin - A simple and short list of questions that must be asked for any marketing endeavor tags: marketingquestions
- Building Social CapitalFrom Peter Greene - "Social capital is a kind of fancy term for a quality that is critical for education, but also for pretty much everything else, and it's another way to understand the differences between rich and poor, powerful and powerless, that goes beyond simply saying, "Some people have money and some people, not so much." tags: socialcapital
- The flip-a-holic’s ultimate guide to subscribing, curating and sharing using Flipboard tags: flipboardhowto
- Karen Fitzgibbons and Our Biased Education System - Scenarios USAScenarios USAWhen you can predict who’s more likely to be suspended, less likely to graduate, more likely to get shot dead by law enforcement, and less likely to get arts, music, and the breadth of physical education by the color of someone’s skin, we still have racial inequality.
- Blended Learning Implementation GuideGood resource from the Foundation for Excellence in Education tags: blendedlearning
- 21st Century Skills - from the Institute of Museum and Library Services tags: libraryskillsresources
- Constance Kamii’s Critical Look at the K-3 Common Core State Standards for Math | Defending the Early YearsA critical look at the Common Core Math standards from Constance Kamii tags: mathstandardscommoncore
- Is the Common Core killing kindergarten? - Ideas tags: commoncorekindergartenWhat does earlier reading in kindergarten predict for reading proficiency and academic success in later grades? Not much, according to the report, which cites study findings that by fourth grade, children who were reading at age 4 were not significantly better at reading than their classmates who’d learned to read at age 7. The report also points out that in Finland and Sweden, kids don’t even start formal schooling until they are 7 years old.Given the wide developmental variation in young learners and the evidence that early reader advantages fade, the report concludes that a kindergarten literacy standard will simply crush the spirits of the late bloomers, linking school with “feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and confusion.”Unlike the advantages for reading ahead of the pack in kindergarten, which may fade over time, research shows more robust, long-term negative academic effects on students who are struggling readers, falling behind their peers.“Young children learn best in active, hands-on ways and in the context of meaningful real-life experiences,” notes a statement of “grave concerns” about the kindergarten standards signed by hundreds of teachers and education scholars, including Howard Gardner, the Harvard developmental psychologist known for his theory of multiple intelligences and their importance in learning. “Overuse of didactic instruction and testing cuts off children’s initiative, curiosity, and imagination, limiting their engagement in school,” according to the statement.“Over the last half century, there’s been a continuous decline in children’s freedom to play,” says Boston College psychologist Peter Gray. “It’s through play that children gain the social abilities, the grit, the ability to control their impulses and solve their own problems that makes them resilient.”
- John Meehan on Twitter: ""For students, school should not be preparation for life. School *is* their life. We need to recognize that." @KerryHawk02 #beyondpencils"I said this yesterday at #beyondpencils and @TimmyS54 spoke more eloquently on "School is life itself" at #EdSurge! tags: beyondpencilsEdSurge
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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