My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (June 7, 2015)
- Standing Desks Are Coming To Schools, To Cure Obesity And Increase Attention SpansStand up desks In schools via @FastCompany schools #bpschat #edchattags:bpschatedchat
- Take your place among the trailblazing leaders whoTake your place among the trailblazing leaders who are revolutionizing education.
- Can Text Messages and Interventions Nudge Students Through School? | MindShift | KQED Newstags:interventionsstudentsachievementgap
- GIF YouTube | Make Animated GIFs from YoutubeGreat site to easily crete GIFstags:gifyoutubegifs
- Drop Everything and Sail the World From Tom Vander Ark "It's time to expand your thinking about what you can accomplish and, in doing so, the life lessons you will model and create for your children."tags:parentingmodeling
- How Successful People Handle StressHow successful people mentally prepare for changetags:stress
- Resources on Blogs as Digital PortfoliosGood resources on digital portfolios from George Courostags:portfoliosdigitalportfoliosblogging
- Managing People, Data, and Processes to Foster School Improvement | Professional Development | Video | PBS LearningMediaWatch how one principal uses "The Power of Nice" to train his frontline staff: #edadmin #cpchat #edleaders #edchattags:edadmincpchatedleadersedchat
- How to use iBeacons in the classroomtags:howtoiBeacon
- Evaluating Technology? Here's What To Look For...tags:evaluatingtechnology
- Using Google Apps in a Math ClassroomSome best practices for using Google Apps in the math classroom.tags:mathgoogleappsgafe
- Collaborative & Creative Online Learningtags:onlinecollaborativeonlinelearning
- How Twitter Users Can Generate Better Ideas |From MIT's Sloane Review - "New research suggests that employees with a diverse Twitter network — one that exposes them to people and ideas they don’t already know — tend to generate better ideas."tags:mitreviewtwitternetworking
- “Teachers ‘Seek Relevance & Choice’ In Professional Development” | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…More great thoughts on meaningful Professional Developmenttags:professionaldevelopment
- Stanford's Most Popular Class Isn't Computer Science--It's Something Much More Important | Fast Company | Business + InnovationEnter "Designing Your Life," a new and wildly popular course for Stanford juniors and seniors that is grounded in design thinking concepts and techniques. The course’s lessons gave him the perspective he needed to navigate decisions about life and work post graduation.tags:businessinnovation
- The science of why the comment section on just about anything is so awfulFrom Upworthy - The comment section. It's where angry people go to express how angry they are at whatever they're commenting on.
- Interview with Charles Jennings - eLearning Interviews MagazineInteresting research to consider surrounding workplace learning (professional development).tags:elearningresearchprofessionaldevelopment
- Why the American Dream is unraveling, in 4 chartsFrom Market Watch - The upper-middle-class families Putnam profiles separate themselves into affluent suburbs, with separate public schools and social spheres from those of their poorer counterparts. As a result, the poorer children not only face greater hardships, but they also lack good models of what is possible. They are effectively cut off from opportunity.tags:americandreampoverty
- Useful Collection Of “Growth Mindset” AnimationsSome good videos on Growth Mindset From Larry Ferlazzotags:growthmindset
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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