My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (May 10, 2015)
- I have looked through the worst hot takes, &I have looked through the worst #DeflateGate hot takes, & DEBUNKED THEM ALL: tags: DeflateGate
- Eight Free Photo Sites That Require No Attribution tags: photographycreativecommonsattributioncopyright
- How to Create Interactive eBooks with iBooks Author tags: ibooksibooksauthorhowto
- Social Emotional Learning in High School: How Three Urban High Schools Engage, Educate, and Empower Youth — Full Series | Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in EducationSCOPE's Social Emotional Learning in Diverse High Schools Study produced a series of reports that detail effective social emotional learning practices at three socioeconomically and racially diverse small public high schools located in Boston, Brooklyn, and San Antonio. tags: sociallearningresearchstanfordsocial
- Hurray for Google Classrooms New Mobile Updates! tags: googleclassroommobile
- Mind-Set Interventions Are a Scalable Treatment for Academic Underachievement tags: interventionsacademicmindsetgrowthdweck
- The Best Resources On Helping Our Students Develop A “Growth Mindset” | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… tags: mindsetgrowthdweckresources
- The Micro-School OpportunityFrom Tom Vander Ark - "Small innovative schools opened in months rather than years of planning could prove to be an important K-12 innovation strategy." tags: alternativelearning
- Report: Reducing Class Sizes To 15 Could Boost School Achievement tags: classsizeresearch
- Google for Education: Tullahoma City Schools create digital textbooks with Google Docs tags: textbooksschoolseducationgoogledocs
- Keeping your online presence professional is key to success - Lowell Sun OnlineKeeping your online presence professional is key to success: @LowellSunNews #EdTech #edchat #DigitalLeaders tags: EdTechedchatDigitalLeaders
- Inside the School Silicon Valley Thinks Will Save Education tags: educationedreformtechnologyedtech
- Curiosity Is as Important as Intelligence - HBR tags: learning
- Text Complexity? Helping Readers See The Whole Text -From Grant Wiggins tags: textcomplexityreaders
- The Big Problem With the New SATGreat Op-Ed from the New York Times - "While a clear improvement, the revised SAT remains problematic. It will still emphasize speed — quick recall and time management — over subject knowledge." tags: satcollegeadmissionsstandardizedtesting
- Watch Patrick Hoarty's Vine "He scared me"He scared me
- New study on poverty "delivers the most compellingNew study on poverty "delivers the most compelling evidence yet that neighborhoods matter in a really big way."
- Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Standardized Testing (HBO) - YouTube tags: testingstandardizedtesting
- 33 Graphic Design Tools To Publish Visual Content tags: graphicdesigntoolsvisualseducation
- Preparing For The Digital UniversityA review of the history and current state of distance, blended, and online learning tags: SiemensMOOCblendedlearningresearchelearning
- A guest post on (too much) Lecturing in HS History tags: lecturehighschoolhistory
- 60 Smarter Ways To Use Google Classroom tags: googleclassroomhowto
- Whose Role is it Anyway?A Whitepaper on Blended Learning from The Highlander Institute tags: blendedlearning
- It's Now Incredibly Easy to Host your Podcast on SoundCloud tags: podcastsoundcloud
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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