My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (April 12, 2015)
- What can a whole school get from a Twitter accountWhat can a whole school get from a Twitter account? - Innovate My School via @InnovateMySchl #yorkdukes #cpchattags:yorkdukescpchat
- Create a Lab / Room Scheduler in Google SheetsFrom Richard Byrne - "Lab Scheduler is a neat Google Sheets Add-on that enables you to easily create and maintain a lab or room reservation system for your school."tags:roomschedulerscheduler
- Inquiry Based Professional LearningGeorge Couros - "I was thinking about how if we want schools to do this type of learning with their students, it is more likely to be successful if teachers had the opportunity to participate in this type of professional learning."tags:professionallearningprofessionaldevelopment
- It’s In the Doing: Apprenticeship and Experiential Learningtags:apprenticeshiplearningexperientiallearning
- 5 Tips for Administrators to Make the Most of Google CalendarsWith Shared Calendars, multiple people can view and even edit the same calendar. It’s easy to manage a shared calendar with your Administrative Team, Clubs, Faculty, or even parents using Google Calendar.tags:administratorscalendarstips
- How Power Is Shifting From Corporations To PlatformsIn a connected world, power no longer emanates from the top of the heap, but the center of the network.tags:corporationsplatformschangepresentations
- 8 Things to Look for in Today’s Professional Learning (Part 1)tags:professionallearningprofessionaldevelopmentgeorgecouros
- Here’s The End-of-Year Goal-Setting Activity I’ve Done With English Language Learnerstags:ELLworksheetgoalsetting
- The Power of Teacher Led Professional Development: How 700 Educators Learned Together | Connected Principalstags:teacherledprofessionaldevelopmentedcamp
- Grant Wiggins on Reading - ReadlistsA great series of posts by Grant Wiggins on reading for understanding and supporting the teaching of literacy skills.tags:reading
- Connected Lead Learner: Are We There Yet?New post-Are we there yet? @spaul6414 @PrincipalNauman @MrPowersCMS @patrickmlarkin @principalkp @gpescatore25
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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