My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (April 5, 2015)
- Every Strike Brings Me Closer to the Next Home Run.I used to be scared to experiment with our marketing. I thought that I there was the potential for me to “screw something up” and I didn’t want to hurt my school’s name. The realization is that you won’t screw anything up. The reality is that the worse case scenario is that no one will pay attention. You need to learn from that lack of attention and try something else.tags:marketingcommunicationbrendanschneiderschoolbrnading
- Blended LearningCan't get enough @nicholedobo reporting on #blendedlearning and #edtech? Get exclusive newsletter content:
- Create An Alias That Automatically Distributes Documents | The GooruCreate an alias that automatically distributes docs and save time for the important things
- iPaddling through Fourth Grade-Encourage...Engage...Enlighten...Empower: Student-Led iConferencesGreat example of Student-led iConferencestags:parentconferencesiPadconferencescommunication
- Two Years of Research on HarvardX and MITxResearch from Justin Reich on the Mooc's at Harvard and MIT after two years.tags:moocsmoocresearch
- On reading, Part 4: research on the comprehension strategies – a closer look | Granted, and...Part four in Grant Wiggins' series on teaching students to be better readerstags:readingresearchliteracygrantwigginscomprehensionThe extent to which children slow down their reading on encountering inconsistent information is a significant predictor of comprehension.If strategies are taught with too narrow a base of content or text, then students do not have a chance to learn how to transfer them to new reading situations (Rosenshine & Meister, 1994). The optimal balance enables students to learn that strategies are an important means for understanding but are not the main point of reading activities.found that third graders’ conception of a good reader was one who reads quickly without making mistakes, replicating the findings of Myers and Paris 30 years earlierMany students think comprehension is “knowing what the words mean” and “what the author said”The key “strategy” is metacognitive self-monitoring because without it, there is no awareness of misunderstanding and thus no need for the strategies.Far greater attention has to be placed on getting readers to feel the lack of understanding/slow down in the face of the realization that they do not get it.This is a key!
- On Literacy Part 3The third post in Grant Wiggins' series on reading and literacy.tags:literacygrantwigginsAs the previous posts on literacy have shown, many researchers are critical of the way the strategies are taught (or NOT taught), and few studies show solid transfer of learning into independent reading. There is no doubt that comprehension can be improved through teaching cognitive and comprehension strategies; the most common implementation of these strategies is often doomed to fail. Every teacher of reading, ELA, and English needs to understand how and why.
- Top-Down Topic Webstags:topicwebsliteracykeystoliteracy
- Collaborating Online Is Sometimes Better than Face-to-FaceFrom Harvard Business Review tags:collaborationonlineteamworkproductivity
- Google Classroom for the iPadGood post on digital workflow for the iPad from Holly Clarktags:googleclassroomipad
- Students Ask Big Questions At Science Leadership AcademyFrom Tom Vander Ark about his visit to Science Leadership Academy - "Philadelphia is home to a high school that is transforming the opportunity set for 500 urban students in an unremarkable converted office buildings located downtown."tags:SLAScienceLeadershipAcademychrislehmann
- The 10 most popular TEDx talks | PlaylistThe 10 most-watched TEDx Talkstags:playlisttedinspiration
- iPad Summit Boston 2015 - EdTechTeacher iPad SummitsWOW! #ettipad Boston?! It's like someone built my #edtech PLN Pantheon! @mrbadura @GuyKawasaki
- Twitter for Learning: The Past, Present and FutureFrom Jane Hart - " understand the VALUE it holds for them personally or professionally, requires spending TIME on it – being immersed in it and “feeling” what it’s all about."tags:twitterlearning
- Evidence-Based Professional DevelopmentWhite paper from Campaign for Learning in the UKtags:PDResources
- 12 Google Apps Adoption Tips For Your EDUFrom The Gooru - "How do you increase adoption early on and ensure a smooth implementation for your school? Below are 12 tips addressing change management, training and adoption."tags:googleappsadoptionsintergration
- Convert PDFs to Google Docs to Differentiate Instructional Materialstags:docspdfsgoogledocsgoogledrive
- On Reading, Part 5: A key flaw in using the Gradual Release of Responsibility model | Granted, and...Part 5 of great series on reading by Grant Wigginstags:readinggrantwigginsliteracy
- The Finnish National Board of Education - Current issuesSubject teaching in Finnish schools is not being abolishedtags:finnisheducationedreform
- Hacking PD Through Innovation and Collaboration - SXSWedu 2015 (with images, tweets)tags:professionaldevelopmenthackinginnovationcollaboration
- A Handful of Ways to Publish Audio Recordingstags:recordingspodcasting
- MassAnalysis - Pioneer Institute :: HomeWant to see how well your Mass. town operates compared to neighboring communities? Check out: #mapoli #localgovtags:mapolilocalgov
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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