Collection of Resources for Using Google Apps for Education and Chromebooks

Collection of Resources for Using Google Apps for Education and Chromebooks

Google for Education Resources

Here is a collection of resources for Google Apps and Chromebooks

Resources to get Started With Google Apps and Chromebooks

Google Apps and Chromebooks Web App Recommendations - a whole lot!

Google App and Chromebooks Resources - learn how to better use them

Google Classroom resources for Educators

Google Drive and Docs, Sheets and Slides Resources for Educators

Google Sites Resources for Educators

Google Hangouts Resources for Educators

Google+ Resources for Educators

And even More Great Google for Education Resources


Cross posted atEducational Technology Guy and shared viaTwitterandGoogle+

David Andrade is a Educator, Educational Technology Specialist and Education Administrator in CT. Before teaching, David was an Aerospace Engineer for 10 years.He is the author of theEducational Technology Guy blog, where he reviews free educational technology resources for teachers, discusses ways to use technology to improve teaching and learning, and discusses other issues in education. He is also a professional development trainer, educational technology consultant and presenter at conferences.

Disclaimer: The information shared here is strictly that of the author and does not reflect the opinions or endorsement of his employer.

Check out his blog at for more resources, tips, links, information and more.

David Andrade, MS Ed, a former educator, edtech specialist and school district CIO, is the Business Development Manager, Google Services, at CDW•G, a leading provider of integrated information technology solutions. He works with schools and internal teams on services and solutions around their Google environment.