The 5 Cs in Education: What If… Sketchnoting in the Process

The 5 Cs in Education: What If… Sketchnoting in the Process

After my sketchnoting workshop at Miami Device, I was asked to record my process of CREATING the sketchnotes.

  • I used Airserver to mirror my iPad display to my laptop
  • Used Screenflow to record myself sketching the main points of the presentation
  • Used Screenflow to speed up the recorded footage from 30+ minutes to 2.5 minutes
  • Exported, then imported into iMovie to add credtits and music

This was the first time doing a screencast this way for me…there are a few kinks that I still need to work out (how to NOT record the screenflow toolbar).

[The sketchnotes created in the video below were NOT created live, but AFTER, I had created the slide deck already}

Here is the slide deck for the presentation

The 5 Cs in Education… What if… from Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano

cross posted at

Silvia Tolisano is a Curriculum21 faculty member, author of the book Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators and founder of the Around the World with 80 Schools project. Read more at