My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (November 16, 2014)
- Social Media is Learning Media | Indiana JenSocial Media is Learning Media #edtech #ettipad @patrickmlarkin
- Create, Integrate, DemonstrateGreat list of ways that students can create, integrate, and demonstrate from Richard Byrne - with examples!tags:richardbyrnepresentations
- Standards Spotlight: Mastering Reading Standard 7When discussing the Common Core State Standards’ most challenging standards, CCSS Reading Anchor Standard 7 is often cited. CCSS R.7 states that students are expected to “integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.”tags:readingstandardsccss
- 12 Ways to Kill Understanding by Design (UbD) from the Starttags:ubdunderstandingbydesigngrantwiggins
- Why It's Time to Give Up Grades - Work in Progress - Education Week TeacherWhy It's Time to Give Up Grades
- UnhangoutJust learned about Unhangouts! #edtech #edchat #ettipadtags:edtechedchatettipad
- 8 Tips to Create a Twitter-Driven School Culture | Edutopiatags:Twittercpchatsocialmedia
- Using Google Classroom to easily set-up and manage a class (Video)tags:tipsgoogleclassroomgoogleclassroomyoutube
- It's All About The Projects, No Tests. #PBL #EdChattags:pbltestsprojects
- Unite for Literacy libraryGreat site with a number of free audio books for elementary school age students.tags:ebooksliteracyelementarylistening
- "If you were holding an interview for a new teacher at your school, what is a question you would ask now that you wouldn't have 10 years ago?"Job Interview Question Tweet from George Couros - with some great responsestags:interviewteacherquestiongeorgecouros
- The New Google Drive Empowers Language Learnerstags:googledrivelanguagelearnerstranslating
- How Numbers on Facebook Change Behavior - The AtlanticHow Numbers on Facebook Change Behavior
- How Friends Influence Us on Social MediaHow Friends Influence Us on Social Media
- Chris Tomlin - Jesus Loves Me - YouTubePerfect way to start your day. Chris Tomlin - Jesus Loves Me
- Using iPads in the Middle School Classroom - A Case StudyUsing iPads in the Middle School Classroom - A Case Study
- How to play back all the changes you made in a Google DocPlay back all the changes made in a Google Doc through a video. #bpschat #edtechchat #GAFEtags:bpschatedtechchatGAFE
- Google Chrome Extension - Highlighted Text TranslatorGoogle Chrome Extension - Highlighted Text Translator #yorkuict #yorkutc @tcdsbntip
- CSE Asian Penguins - YouTube@patrickmlarkin Hey Patrick! See & RT #middleschool #kidschangingworld w/ tech in St Paul, MN #CSEAsianPenguinstags:middleschoolkidschangingworldCSEAsianPenguins
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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