My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (October 26, 2014)
- Open Syllabus Project | Opening the curricular black box for students, faculty, and researchers.tags:syllabussyllabieducationoer
- Computer-Based Teaching Ends Up Being Costly and Risky for the Navy - Andrew O’Connell - Harvard Business ReviewA decade ago, the U.S. Navy replaced instructor-led teaching with computer-based learning in entry-level training courses, in part to reduce costs, but the result has been less-well-trained sailors and an estimated $16 million in excess maintenance costs, say Robert M. McNab and Diana I. Angelis of the Defense Resources Management Institute. tags:onlinelerningcomputerbasedteaching
- K-12 Report: Affordability, Adequate Funding Biggest Technology Barriers | CoSNFrom COSN - New results from CoSN’s (Consortium for School Networking’s) 2nd Annual E-rate and Infrastructure Survey reveal troubling gaps in U.S. school districts broadband and technology infrastructure. - See more at:
- Online Harassment | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life ProjectSummary of findings from Pew Researchtags:onlineharassmentpewresearch
- When Kids Teach Kids Through Social Mediatags:socialmediakids
- 13 Barriers to Education InnovationFrom Tom Vander Arktags:innovationbarriers
- 6 Ways To Access @YouTube Videos Even If They're Blocked at Schooltags:youtubeaccessvideosblocked
- What Happens When Students Control Their Own Education? - The AtlanticWhat Happens When Students Control Their Own Education? via @TheAtlantic #EducationNationtags:EducationNation
- Helpful Google Search Modifiers PosterFrom Vicki Davistags:googlesearchgooglesearchposter
- Making that redo/retake policy actually work!tags:gradingpolicy
- MassCUE October 2014 - Google Slidestags:paperless
- HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER: NSCAA Regional Polls | High School Insider | with Danny Ventura & Jim Clark | Boston HeraldHIGH SCHOOL SOCCER: NSCAA Regional Polls via @bostonherald
- How to improve the dreaded parent-teacher conference.tags:how toconferenceparentteacherconferences
- Charles by Shirley JacksonGreat short story about parent-teacher conferences
- More Evidence Musical Training May Boost Executive FunctionNew research provides more evidence that musical training enhances executive function (EF), especially in the areas of cognitive flexibility, working memory, and processing speed, and this may explain the link to academic achievement.tags:evidencemusicaltrainingexecutivefunctioning
- Conference Time: Chatting With Parents | Edutopiatags:conferencetimeparentsparentconferences
- Escape to Edscape: BHS Help Desk Student Reflections | Burlington High School Help Desktags:studentreflectionsedscape
- Teen Researchers Defend Media MultitaskingFrom the Wall Street Journal - Some teens doing homework while listening to music and juggling tweets and texts may actually work better that way, according to an intriguing new study performed by two high-school seniors.tags:multitaskingteen
- A PS to the guest post on shadowing HS students (and the author revealed) | Granted, and...tags:shadowstudentshadowhighschool
- New Features Added to Google Classroomtags:googleclassroomgoogle
- More Tools for Creating Timelinestags:timelineshowto
- The Missing Link in School Reform |tags:edreformcollaborationstanford
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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