My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (September 21, 2014)
- 25+ apps that the TED staff swears make their everyday lives easier | TED Blog tags: appstedstaff
- Coaching an Employee Who Doesn’t Want HelpFrom Harvard Business Review - Is there someone on your team who you’d like to coach, but resists your help? A high-performer who could reach further? A hard-worker who could grow faster? The best managers know to coach their employees, but what if someone doesn’t want your help? How can you convince a hesitant employee that your advice is worthwhile? tags: coachingteacherevaluation
- edX high school coursesA pretty good list of free online courses for high school students tags: onlinecoursesedx
- Spark the Discussion on Digital Life at Your School tags: digitalcitizenshipparentcommunication
- Around The Web In ESL/EFL/ELL |Good resources (as usual) from Larry Ferlazzo tags: efleslell
- Librarians on the Fly: Technology & Student Authors tags: librarianstechnologystudentauthors
- Building Literacy Bridges: A Professional Development School Success Story | ASCD Inservice tags: professionaldevelopmentliteracy
- Step 2: Past Year Review - School Marketing Plan ChallengeFrom tags: marketingschoolplanchallenge
- How to Create Custom Maps on My Maps (Formerly Google Maps Engine Lite) from Richard Byrne - an overview of how to create custom maps on My Maps tags: googlemapscustomhowot
- Informational Texts -- Just a Click Away tags: informationaltextsnonfictionccss
- Blogging as Writing Curriculum tags: bloggingwritingcurriculum
- Common Core Quest – Quizzes and Video Lessons on ELA & Math Standards | iPad Apps for School tags: commoncorequizzeselamath
- iPads for Young Children in School | tags: ipadschildrenimplementation
- Google Docs Cheat Sheet tags: googledocscheatsheethowto
- Tips For Fixing The Nation’s Education SystemSatirical piece from the Onion about fixing our country's schools tags: edreformsatire
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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