My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (September 14, 2014)
- Fasten Seat Belts 2 - Videos for Learning About Cultural NormsFrom Richard Byrnetags:cultures
- This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain On Music.NPR story on the power of music tags:musicbrain
- Shake It Up: Get the Most out of PBL with the 4 Cstags:pblprojectbasedlearning
- Create and Learn - Roald DahlGreat site for resources on Roald Dahltags:RoaldDahlresources
- Level Up! With 11 Things on a JeepneyCool challenge-based PD for staff to build tech capcity.tags:PDtechintegration
- Teaching Tolerance Releases Ambitious “literacy-based, anti-bias curriculum” | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…tags:tolerancediversitycurriculum
- Step 1: Marketing Channel Audit - School Marketing Plan Challengetags:marketingauditschool
- Transitional Guidance on Identification, Assessment, Placement, and Reclassification of ELLs.pdfRecommended Minimum Hours of ESL Instruction tags:ell2.5 hours of direct ESL instruction per week, delivered by a licensed ESL teacher2.5 hours of direct ESL instruction per week, delivered by a licensed ESL teacher.1-2 hours per day of direct ESL instruction, delivered by a licensed ESL teacher.2.5 hours per day to a full day of direct ESL instruction, delivered by a licensed ESL teacher.he school’s assistant principal or principal.n order to make effective instructional and assessment decisionsfor ELLs, districts should consider establishing a school-based team charged with reviewing relevant ELL dataand making instructional decisionsfor each student. School-based teams should be composed of educators, administrators,and/orsupport service staff who regularly interact with the student;for example:the student’s ESL or bilingual education teacher,the student’s sheltered content area teachers,school guidance counselors, psychologists or special education teachers, if the student receives such services,
- View & Edit your Video Footage in Slow MotionThe two main benefits of VideoPix is the ability to slow down your videos for editing and capture frame-by-frame photographs from within. This means that you can shoot video, without having to worry about missing any photo opportunities.tags:videoeditingslowmotionvideopix
- 16 Common Core Technology Tools--With Examples -tags:commoncoretechtoolsexamples
- A Good Alternative to Social Studies Textbooks - Go Social Studies GoFrom Richard Byrnetags:socialstudiestextbooksbeyondthetextbooktextless
- My Story – Create Multimedia Books on Your iPad | iPad Apps for Schooltags:multimediabooksipadapps
- Google Forms - Google Drive's Hidden Gemtags:googleformshowto
- Superintendents: Vital or Irrelevant tags:superintendentsresearch
- 12 great ways to start using Google Classroom nowtags:googleclassroom
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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Silvia Tolisano is a Curriculum21 faculty member, author of the book Digital Storytelling Tools for Educators and founder of the Around the World with 80 Schools project. Read more at
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