My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (July 27, 2014)
- A Definitive Guide for Developing a Technology Vision Statement for your School - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.From Kim Cofino tags: visionstatementtechnology
- ThingLink Teacher ChallengeFrom the Thinglink blog tags: tihnglinkhowto
- Google Tricks and Tips: Saving Files to Multiple Folders tags: folderstricksgoogle
- 9 Best EdTech Tools for Presenting tags: presentingtoolsedtech
- 6 Uses of Evernote in the Classroom tags: evernoteclassroomworkshop
- 22 Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom tags: appsvideos
- Introduction to Google Classroom tags: googleclassroomintroductionhowto
- FluencyTutor for Google - Students Listen and Practice Reading AloudFrom Richard Byrne - FluencyTutor for Google is a Chrome web app (works on Chromebook, PC, Mac) that allows teachers to share selected reading passages with their students. Students can hear the passages read aloud. The text being read aloud is highlighted to help students follow along with the reading. tags: googlereadingpracticefluency
- 10 Things Every Teacher Should Know How To Do With Google Docs tags: googledocsteacherhowto
- A Couple of Good Guides to Getting Acquainted With the Features of Google Chrome tags: guidesgooglechromehowto
- Why college remediation needs to be overhauledFrom Carol Burris in the Washington Post tags: remediation
- More Resources On Race & Racism tags: racismferlazzoresources
- Making Curation Easier With @IFTTTFrom Steven Anderson tags: curationiftt
- Social Media: Follow the Best Massachusetts Twitter Accounts | My Town TutorsTop ##Massachusetts Accounts! @patrickmlarkin @peterhreynolds @CMEaston @pragmaticmom @GladlyDo @BurkheadBill tags: Massachusetts
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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