My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (June 29, 2014)
- 5 announcements from Google I/O that Google Apps customers need to know | Google Gooru tags: googleapps
- I Dare You To Watch This Entire Video - YouTubeAn attention exercise and a message about our ability to focus in an era of distractions. tags: attentionpost
- Blending toward competency - Early patterns of blended learning and competency-based education in New Hampshire | Christensen Institute tags: blendedlearningchristenseninstitute
- Even Our Youngest Students Need Digital Citizenship SkillsFrom Kathy Cassidy - As the Internet becomes an increasingly important part of all of our lives, children are spending more time online as well. And they are doing this largely without any guidance about what is responsible or appropriate online. tags: digitalcitizenshipstudents
- Use Google Voice or Speak Pipe to Hear Students Proofreading Their Papers tags: proofreadinggooglevoiceworkshop
- More on OpenEd's Free Online Assessment Tools: How-to Videos tags: openedassessmenttoolsfreeonline
- Update your Search MethodsFrom Chris Betcher - But if you’re still telling students not to write plain language queries because that the advice you’ve you’ve always given them, maybe it’s time to update your advice? tags: searchmethodsupdate
- Handy Google Hangout Cheat Sheet for Teachers tags: cheatsheetgooglehangout
- Why Educators should have these Apps on Their iPADSGreat list of foundational apps for educators tags: appsipadseducators
- Why Book Trailers Are Great Alternatives to Traditional Book ReportsFrom Richard Byrne - Great ways to make book trailers tags: booktrailersrichardbyrne
- Video: Experience A Little Bit Of What Someone With Autism Feels…. | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… tags: videoexperienceautism
- 9 Best Apps and Sites to Improve Executive Functionfrom Graphite tags: appssitesexecutivefunctioningspecialeducation
- Terms of Service Cheat Sheet for Parents & TeachersFrom Jen Carey on Edudemic tags: termsofservicecheatsheetjencareyptchat
- Learn Twitter - eCourseGreat ecourse cerated by Joe Mazza tags: twitterhowtoecourse
- Use Google Docs to Convert Images and PDFs to Editable Text tags: googledocsconversionimagespdfs
- 50 Questions To Promote Metacognition In StudentsA good list of questions for students tags: questionsmetacognitionnewteachers
- A 'Major Shift' In Oversight Of Special Education tags: specialeducation
- Story Buddy 2 is a Kid-Friendly Presentation App for Creating Digital Books tags: presentationappebookspublishingworkshops
- Is this really how we should test reading development in kids?Opinion - The downside of DIBELS tags: readingdevelopmentDIBELS
- OPINION: Why We Are Misunderstanding the Chromebook iPad Debate | EdSurge NewsGood stuff from Tim Holt - iPad vs. Chromebook tags: ipadchromebooks
- Haiku Deck OverviewFrom Jane Hart tags: haikudeckhowto
- 15 minutes to a fitter summerGood quick 15-minute workouts tags: fitnessworkouts
- Find Primary Sources from All Over the World on the World Digital LibraryFrom Richard Byrne tags: primarysources
- The Beginner's Guide To Google In The ClassroomFrom Edudemic tags: googleclassroomhowto
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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