My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (June 22, 2014)
- A Smart Way to Skip College in Pursuit of a Job -From Eduardo Porter in the New York Times tags: collegepursuit
- Is Coding the New Literacy?from Mother Jones tags: codingliteracy
- Future of Assessment Special Report tags: assessmentreport
- How to Create Augmented Reality Layers of Information on Aurasma tags: augmentedrealityaurasmahowto
- How to Combine Tellagami Clips in iMovieFrom Richard Byrne tags: tellagamiimovieipadapps
- Awesome Timeline Chronicling The Use of Educational Technology in Schools tags: timelineeducationaltechnologymobilelearning
- Kaizena Adds Support for Giving Audio Feedback on Google Presentations tags: presentationsfeedbackaudio
- A Handy Google Image Tip for Teachers and Students tags: googleimagesearchworkshop
- Will California's Ruling Against Teacher Tenure Change Schools? - Dana Goldstein - The Atlantic tags: tenureteachervergaraatlantic
- California Ruling on Teacher Tenure Is Not Whole Picture tags: tenureteachervergaranytimes
- Greatist Lists Midstate Trail As Hidden Hike to Try This Summer | BostInno tags: trailhikesummer
- Un-Fathom-able: The Hidden History of Ed-TechFrom Audrey Watters tags: edtechhistory
- Technology and Primary Sources tags: primarysourceshowto
- Common Core Videos, Games and Assessments tags: CommonCoreoeredtechresourcestandards
- New Wonderful Twitter Guide for Teachers and Educators tags: educatorsguidetwitterhowto
- Suspensions, Expulsions, Arrests Don't Work: On School Discipline, We Can Do BetterFrom Real Clear Education tags: disciplineschool
- PoeticaLooks like a great tool for giving feedback on writing #edtech #edchat #dcmooc tags: edtechedchatdcmooc
- Jonathan D. Becker, J.D., Ph.D. – Digital Investigations (and inquiry projects): The Gold Standard(s)?"Digital Investigations (and inquiry projects): The Gold Standard(s)?" #thoughtvectors tags: thoughtvectors
- Aspen Report Validates and Accelerates Shift to Connected Learning - Getting Smart by Tom Vander Ark tags: connectedlearnigreportaspeninstitute
- Sarcasm, Scarlett Johannson and why machines should never grade student writing - The Washington Post tags: commoncorewriting
- American schools need better teachers, so let’s make it harder to become one.Article in Slate by Amanda Ripley tags: teachersedreformteachertraining
- Classroom Culture: It’s Your Decision | ASCD InserviceFrom Sean Slade at ASCD - What kind of culture do you want to take hold in your classroom? The decision is primarily yours. Because what you do and how you do it affects how your students interact, inquire, respond, cooperate, collaborate, discover, and it develops the dominant culture of learning for your classroom.
- How many bad teachers are there? tags: teacherevaluationhechinger
- The A-List Collection by Michelle LuhtalaGreat list of apps from Michelle Luhtala tags: appscollectionbestapps
- Do Our Kids Get Off Too Easy?From Alfie Kohn tags: alfiekohnchildrenchilddevelopment
- Two Good Links About Curation tags: curationworkshop
- Thinking About The R in SAMR - Edudemic#Work that matters! Check out @patrickmlarkin's post Thinking About The R in SAMR #vsblearns #edtech tags: Workvsblearnsedtech
- Innovative Education: Make Room for "What Ifs"From Suzie Boss on Edutopia tags: innovationeducationpblprojectbasedlearning
- Project-Based Learning Made Easy tags: pblprojectbasedlearning
- Schlechty's Levels of Engagement tags: engagement
- Upgrading Blogs Through Lens of SAMRFrom Silvia Tolisano - My ultimate goal for using a classroom blog or student blogfolios though, is that of creating transformative teaching and learning opportunities, not to have a platform that substitutes a composition book or paper journal. tags: SAMRblogging
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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