My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (June 15, 2014)
- Google Classroom 101A further look at Google Classroom which is due out in the fall= tags: classroomgooglelms
- How to Flip Your Classroom With eduClipper and PixiClipFrom Richard Byrne - Teachers interested in trying the flipped classroom model often ask me for recommendations for video creation tools. They also often ask me for ideas on sharing videos without using YouTube. One answer to both of these questions is to use eduClipper. tags: flippedclassroomeduclipperpixiclip
- Three Good Places to Find Historical Images - And an Idea for Using Them to Spark DiscussionFrom Richard Byrne - One of my favorite ways to spark students' interest in a history lesson is to have them look for interesting historical images. I've found that interesting images can prompt good conversations which in turn lead to good questions for my students to research the answers to. tags: imagesdiscussionrichardbyrnehistory
- Three Great Text to Speech Tools for Teachers tags: texttotspeechchromeextensions
- Why Storytelling Is The Ultimate WeaponJonathan Gottschall, author of The Storytelling Animal, says science backs up the long-held belief that story is the most powerful means of communicating a message. tags: storytellingmarketingstoriesnarrative#edstories
- Worldview and stories tags: storiesstorytellingnarratives
- Two Good Resources To Help Understand Education Research tags: researchedresearchlarryferlazzo
- The Best Posts On Students Evaluating Classes (And Teachers)Good resources from Larry Ferlazzo regarding students evaluating their teachers. tags: evaluationstudentsurveystudents
- WatchKnowLearn - Free Educational Videos for K-12 Students tags: resourceseducationK-12videos
- UDL Toolkit Wiki tags: udltoolsweb2.0resourcestechnology
- 12 Awesome Marketing Tools You've Never Heard OfFrom moblized tags: marketingtoolssocialmedia
- September 21st, 1967 - You're Getting Old!Cool Graphic for people to put their age in perspective. tags: agevisualizationgraphic
- Create Your Own Personalized Podcast Using VoxerFrom Joe Mazza regarding how to use Voxer to create a Podcast or to network with your PLN. tags: voxerhowto
- GooglePlus, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn - Complete Social Media Sizing Cheat Sheet - infographic tags: infographiccheatsheetsocialmedia
- The 74 school shootings since ...Map via @Everytown tags: schoolshootingsschoolviolence
- Google Hangouts 101 and Sharing Lessons with Google ToolsFrom Wes Fryer tags: googlegoogletoolssharinglessons
- A 1:1 iPad Menu For Guided Reading tags: ipadguidedreadingela
- Finnish Lessons: What MA. Can Learn from Finland's Educational Reforms, CPS Presents Pasi Sahlberg - YouTubeThis event on May 14, 2014 in Cambridge Massachusetts was sponsored by CPS, Citizens for Public Schools tags: finnishlessons
- Getting more from Book CreatorInspiration, ideas and resources for getting the most out of Book Creator for iPad tags: bookcreatorebookscreationworkshop
- Strategy or Culture: Which Is More Important? tags: culturechangemindset
- How Bill Gates pulled off the swift Common Core revolution - tags: commoncorebillgates
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Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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