Digital Education

Digital Education

In case you missed it, the latest issue of Digital Education, the free newsletter for those with a professional interest in educational ICT and Computing, contains some great articles. Here’s a list of the main ones.

The cover of the latest issue of Digital Education

Where are the girls?

Information about the gender imbalance in Computing and ICT, and resources and suggestions to help you address it.

The view from here

Oliver Quinlan discusses the importance of educational research, and extends an invitation to get involved in a project being run by Nesta.

The Story Wall

Schoolgirl Emma describes the app that she and her friends designed under the auspices of Apps for Good, and tells us what she gained from the experience. The Story Wall is an app designed to help pupils get their creative writing juices flowing.

A question of data

I report back from a conference on a few of the key points about what data you should be considering in school, and what Ofsted inspectors look for.

When it comes to coding, how secure is your network?

Guest contributor Darren Bartlett outlines the options available to you to ensure your network remains safe with pupils creating and running their own programs.

To put it Bluntly

In this issue, regular contributor Derek Blunt gets apoplectic about Ofsted-speak.

Review of The Thinking Teacher

The Amazing Computer Education Project Book

I’m hoping to be able to collate some interesting things that schools are doing in preparation for the new Computing curriculum. Here’s your chance to get involved if you wish to.

In Memoriam

My tribute to Bev Evans.


Far too much to describe here!

The best news is that it’s all free!

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Terry Freedman is an independent educational ICT consultant with over 35 years of experience in education. He publishes the ICT in Education website and the newsletter “Digital Education."