My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (April 13, 2014)
- Kahoot! | Game-based blended learning & classroom response systemCool tool for assessing students. Gamification-basedtags:assessmentresponsepollgamification
- Blendspace - Create lessons with digital content in 5 minutesGood tool available on any web-based device.tags:Blendspacetoolselearningweb2.0curationedcanvaslessons
- EverySlide | Interactive Presentations | Audience Response Systemtags:presentationsinteractivepowerpointslideshowpolling
- EDpuzzleAllows teachers to chop down YouTube videos and voice over the sound on a video if they wish. Also able to add questions at any point in the video and track student progress. tags:flippedyoutubequizlessons
- Reading from paper versus screens: a critical review of the empirical literature.The present review considers the differences between the media in terms of outcomes and processes of reading and concludes that single variable explanations are insufficient to capture the range of issues involved in reading from screens.tags:readingresearchonline
- How Online Reading Programs Benefit Young Readerstags:onlinereadingprograms
- How the internet is making it harder to read bookstags:internetreadingonlineresearch
- Serious reading takes a hit from online scanning and skimming, researchers say - The Washington Posttags:readingonlineresearch
- Reimagining SchoolsFrom Scholastic Administrator - What happens when administrators throw out the rulebook and try fundamentally different models of education?tags:schoolimprovement
- Master Chrome Apps and Extensions: Differences and RecommendationsA great list of chrome apps and extensionstags:chromeappsextensions
- Two Useful iPad Apps to Create Classroom Posterstags:postersclassroomapps
- Copy of 1:1 Learning Nipmuc - Google DriveParent Presentation about the move to 1:1 from Nipmuc Regional High School in Upton, MAtags:1:1
- Student privacy activists win a big onetags:studentprivacydataprivacy
- Honey Maid: Love - YouTubeA great response to negative and intolerant comments made online. Also a great look at how the positive outweigh the negativetags:socialmedianegativefeedbackpositivesocialmediauseettsummit
- Ten Tips for Writing Common Formative AssessmentsGreat questions to get you focused for creating quality formative assessments from Bill Ferriter.tags:formativeassessmentshowto
- What Does Learning Look Like? A Look At Physical And Digital SpacesGood discussion of learning spaces from Tom Daccordtags:learningspacesEdTechTeacher
- 10 Principles of Sustainable EdTech Implementation -by Dave Guymon on Getting Smarttags:1:1sustaainability
- How to Make Google Drive Work Like a Desktop Suitetags:googledrivegafehowto
- Easy Way To Create Bibliography Entries in Google Docstags:googledocsbibliographyeasybib
- 3 Professional Development Tips For Schools Going 1:1 - Edudemictags:professionaldevelopment1:1
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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