My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (April 6, 2014)
- A Video Guide to Using the Google Drive iPad Appfrom Richard Byrnetags:iPadGoogleDriveapp
- How To Use Google Voice In Education - Edudemictags:googlevoice
- ‘World-class’ teacher preparation tags:teacherprepprofessionaldevelopment
- Study Shows Online PD Affects Student Scores | Tech Learningtags:professionaldevelopmentonline
- 3 Inspired Approaches to Teacher Professional Developmenttags:professionaldevelopment
- 10 questions to start the 'grading' conversation at your schoolfrom Justin Tartetags:gradinggrades
- Mike Lawrence & Mike Muir: Closing Keynotes - YouTubeClosing Keynotes from the School Leadership Summit - "Reclaim Your School's Teacher's Lounge - Develop Educational Entrepreneurs!"tags:leadershipschoolleadershipsummit
- 9 Simple Steps To Create A Good Presentation Using Google Drive ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learningtags:presentationgooglegoogledrive
- The Epic Ebook GuideA great resource for finding everything about e-books by Vicki Davistags:ebookguideettsummit
- Ask a designer: why switching fonts won’t save the US government millions | Art and design | theguardian.comThe other side of the story regarding the teen who created a plan to save the government millions.tags:fontschange
- Changing font on printed documents would save government $400 million: teen - NY Daily Newstags:changereformteenagersteens
- Top Social Media Productivity Toolstags:socialmedia
- Can Online Learning Measure Up to a College Degree? | BostInnotags:mooconlinelearningcyber-learning
- Professional Learning for Everyone (No, Really)A good model of PD for staff via Zac Chase
- LET'S MAKE SOME GOOD ART - YouTubeStudent presentation from Eric Sheninger's student - Using graphics tablet and the software Bamboo Pad both by Wacom, Quicktime to record computer screen as a drew, and iMovie for editing! tags:ipadpresentation
- Do You Actually Type FASTER On An iPad?tags:iPadkeyboarding
- Access the Google Drive Template Gallery on an iPadtags:googletemplategalleryipad
- The Stereotypes That Distort How Americans Teach and Learn Math - Jo Boaler - The AtlanticAn article from The Atlantic on how we teach math in the U.S.tags:mathmathinstruction
- How to change your Facebook administrator from a personal to professional accountFrom Lisa Nielsentags:howtofacebook
- Twitter EDU - David TrussSome great resources from Dave Truss on getting people comfortable with Twitter.tags:Twitterhowtodavetruss
- Haiku Deck to PowerPoint & PowerPoint to Haiku DeckFrom Richard Byrnetags:haikudeckpowerpointhowto
- Teen to government: Change your typeface, save millions - CNN.comtags:teentypefacechange
- How to cite iPad and other apps - APA 6th Edition - SCU Referencing Guide - SCU LibGuides at Southern Cross Universitytags:appsapareferencingcitation
- Creating An iPad Workflow For Teachers, Students, And Parentstags:ipadworkflow
- New Hampshire HS Basketball Player of the Year Loses Award After Obscene Tweet | Bleacher Reporttags:digitalcitizenshiptwitterettsummit
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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