Top 10 Sites for Creating a Wiki by David Kapuler

Education wikis are among the most popular wikis. The creation of a wiki allows not only allows users to engage with 21st century technology, but also helps increase technology literacy. Following are my top ten favorite sites for creating a wiki.

  1. Wikispaces - One of the most popular wiki creators that is free for education. Can also be made private (password protected).
  2. PBworks - Very similar to Wikispaces and free for a basic account. However, there are paid accounts as well that offer features for educators, such as more space and privacy controls.
  3. Wetpaint - Wikis in Education by Wetpaint is a great way to create a educational wiki and join a community of over 3000 members.
  4. Zoho Wiki - Very affordable site for creating not only wikis, but also a complete educational portal package.
  5. FreedomShare - Very easy-to-use site that can create a simple wiki that can be shared with others or made private. As with most wikis, comments can be turned on or off.
  6. Wikia - Fun site for creating a visual wiki.
  7. Wikispot - Wikispot teaches you how to create a free wiki and compares the features of a good wiki is versus a bad one.
  8. Wiki-Site - Free site for creating a wiki built on the same engine of Wikipedia.
  9. Weebly - Popular website creator for education that allows for blogging and a creation of a site that can be used as a wiki.
  10. Google Sites - Nice free way to create a project wiki through the use of awesome Google tools.

David Kapuler is an educational consultant with more than 10 years of experience working in the K-12 environment. For more information about his work, contact him at and read his blog at