Resolutions for 2010 (by Jen Wagner)
With 2010 quickly approaching….thoughts of New Year Resolutions begin to formulate in our minds. Even if you are NOT a resolution maker (or breaker), a new year does offer new opportunities, possible new directions, and changes.
So – here is my list of possible resolution ideas for you……and a glimpse into what mine will be for 2010 as well.
1. Blog Yourself
~Read and make use of the ideas in 30 Days To Being A Better Blogger (
~Read “Can Blogging Make You Happier”
“Blogging is a Marathon and Not A Sprint”
~Clean up the clutter on your blog.
~Double check your comments (do you need to moderate? sometimes yes)
~Find a new theme ( and add some plugins (
~Start a blog
~When commenting, read twice (preferably out loud) before you hit submit.
2. Differentiate Yourself
~Find a new way to do something you do the same old way.
~Listen to yourself present – join toastmasters and get feedback – plan ahead for future conversations.
~Join a new ning, invite other people to your twitter conversation who don’t share your views, participate in an educational conference that is not all about tech.
~Read a new author, listen to a new voice, do something uncomfortable
3. Extend Yourself
~Start sharing your resources --,,,
~Start sharing other people’s resources (and give credit where credit is due)
~Create a flickr account and start uploading pictures. Tag your pictures with #ETPHOTOGALLERY and let’s grow an online database of pictures for our students.
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4. Guard Yourself
~Read about Creative Commons (
~Copyright Confusion (
5. Educate Yourself
~Participate in the K12 Online Conference (
~Watch a TED Video (
~Check out the streamed keynotes from conferences ( can help you find links through blog posts)
~Link to, and, and, and
~Finish your degree (smiles, yes, big plan for Jen in 2010)
6. Be Yourself
~Know your strengths……be aware of your weaknesses.
~Be you and not who you think people want you to be.
~Stand Strong for what you know is right, Step Aside when you might need to learn something, and Back Up and Review when you made a mistake.
~Remember that your opinion always matters!!
7. Share Yourself
~Please take the time to share your 2010 Resolution in the comment area.
Happy New Year!!
~~~this post can also be read at