Alternate Assessment Apps for Third Grade

Third grade students are required to be tested in ELA and math.


  • Required Component 1—Key Idea: Reading

Choice Component 1—Standard 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak forliterary response and expression.The student will read or attend to simple materials during reading time. to document., provide sequenced, captioned and dated photographs of the student attending to or reading the simple materials.

Use your iPad 2 camera to take photos and then useTumblebooks togo munsch-6 pack ($5.99). This app offers six different stories. Each book is read to the student and the paragraph is highlighted to help students stay on task. There is one other set of Munsch books in the app store and soon there will be another five.

  • Required Component 2—Key Idea: Listening

Choice Component 1—Standard 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression.The student will attend to poems read aloud by another person. The student work product includes the title of the informational texts, choices, and the student’s selection of main ideas. To document, provide sequenced, captioned, and dated photographs of the student attending to the teacher reading poems.

Kids and Children's Poems ($.99) This app contains a large collection of poetry for children, including poems about trees, animals, parties, school, friendship and other subjects.


  • Required Component 1—Strand: Number Sense and Operations

Choice Component 1—Band: Number Systems

The student will compare quantities of objects when given two sets of objects by indicating equal to (=), greater than (>), and/or less than (<). The student work product shows two sets of objects and the symbol/word the student indicated to show the comparison.

MathPad 3 ($.99) MathPad 3 is all about <, > & = (less than, greater than, and equals to) and helps build a solid foundation to determine which symbol to use when given a set of whole numbers, fractions or decimals.

Component 2—Band: Operations

Choice Component 1—Band: Units of Measurement

The student will compare the weights of objects, given the weights in pounds, ounces, etc.

To document, provide sequenced, captioned and dated photographs of the student selecting the heavier or lighter object after looking at the weights for each of the two objects.

Using your iPad 2 camera and Scale (Free) Simply place the object on the screen and follow the onscreen instructions to weigh the object.

Vicki Windman is a special education teacher at Clarkstown High School South.