154 Ways to Use Moodle

Sometimes the hardest part is deciding what to put on your Moodle page. There is no wrong way to create a Moodle page. Your page should fit the needs of you, your students and parents. Below is a list to help you decide what to include on your page. Have fun creating with Moodle!

1. Monthly newsletter
2. Weekly newsletter
3. Class procedures
4. Class rules
5. Class goals
6. Class expectations
7. Classroom supply list
8. Contact information
9. School picture
10. Class picture
11. Teacher picture
12. Time schedule – when school begins & ends…early release
13. Snow day/ Make-up day information
14. Guidelines (Bringing birthday treats)
15. Guidelines (Dressing for winter recess)
16. Weekly assignment list
17. Gym & Art information (shoes & shirt)
18. Specials schedule
19. Calendar of Events
20. Class syllabus
21. Open House information
22. Parent-Teacher Conference information
23. Link to Ohio Content Standards
24. Guidelines (Bringing a snack to school for the class)
25. Guidelines (Wearing winter boots inside all day)
26. Guidelines (Halloween costumes)
27. Class Party information
28. Christmas Exchange information
29. AR Requirements
30. AR book list
31. Welcome Letter to parents
32. Welcome Letter to students
33. Information about the teacher
34. “What is expected in 4th Grade?”
35. Homework expectations
36. Homework assignments

Advice for students from former students
38. List of organization skills needed in your classroom
39. Checklist for student’s to use as they complete a project or assignment
40. Evaluation form – use for teacher in-service or feedback from students
41. FAQ section – a guide for your course
42. “Help Me” section
43. Mom & Dad message….”What will be in your child’s book bag?”
44. Link to your class webpage
45. Link to the school district website
46. Add a video/audio message (Audacity)
47. Podcast - Record your daily lesson and post – great for students absent, sick or need to listen to the lesson again
48. Add a Voki message
49. Add a Wordle image
50. Add links to each school website in your district
51. School Lunch menu
52. Link to school lunch payment website
53. Link to area newspapers
54. Link to national news sites…CNN, ABC News…
55. Add a RSS feed- great for current events
56. List textbook/reading assignments for students to read before class.
57. List project guidelines
58. Provide samples of excellent projects
59. List favorite iTunes apps for the iPad / iPhone
60. Add “How to” pages for students to use at home
61. Add a book list for students that pertain to the class lesson.
62. Add assignment pages for students to print if they need another copy
63. Provide links to videos (avoid embedding a video – use links to the site)
64. Add a jpeg image (picture) – feature a student of the day or week
65. Add a picture of a recent field trip and a summary about the adventure
66. Add links to websites students use all year but have all but the current ones hidden
67. Link/ add PowerPoint presentations to use in the classroom or for students to view outside the class.
68. Create Writing Prompts from a current classroom story or lesson – further the daily classroom discussion.
69. Add Spelling Words
70. Add Multiplication Tables
71. Add Vocabulary Words
72. Design a Unit…such as social studies….Civil War….complete with information, research links, assignments, glossary terms and so forth. Work with grade level teachers and each design a unit that will be taught within the school year. Create one Moodle page with all the units for the year.
73. Add a Dictionary & Encyclopedia link
74. Create a Class Poll
75. Create a Class Survey
76. Create a Class Voting option
77. Provide links (math, science, reading) for extra computer lab work (use this list when students finish an assignment early and need to continue working)
78. Add your Smart Board lessons to use in the classroom
79. Add a “Classroom Highlight of the Day or Week”
80. List due dates for assignments and projects.
81. Add current lesson information and assignments for students who are absent or leave early for a team event.
82. ABC chart (Primary)
83. Word Wall list (Primary)
84. ABC websites (Primary)
85. Letter Writing handouts to practice at home (Primary)
86. Name Writing handout for home (Primary)
87. Lined paper for home (Primary)
88. Journal Writing paper
89. Cutting Guidelines and practice handout for home (Primary)
90. Number Writing 1 – 10 - handout for home (Primary)
91. Number Cards (Primary)
92. Shape Tracing handout (Primary)
93. Websites to use at home
94. Letter Flashcards (Primary)
95. Picture Cards
96. Class Rewards information
97. Time Management guidelines
98. VFW essay contest – copy of rules
99. Fundraising information and guidelines
100. World Atlas link
101. Professional Development handouts – before or after the in-service
102. Reading logs
103. Thank you letter example (intermediate / middle school)
104. Resume examples (high school)
105. Add Online Quizzes
106. Add online Forums to further discussion or collect information for a classroom topic
107. Add a Section Link block – easy for students to move from one section to another – help when you are teaching in class
108. Use the calendar to highlight school or classroom events
109. Use LABELS – very important to separate your content so students or parents can easily locate material.
110. Link to Progressbook
111. Link to Online Textbook
112. Maps
113. Club information – such as FCCLA…links to websites, committee information, and list of events, fundraising guidelines, officers, forms, and so forth.
114. You might want to move your calendar block to the top right corner.
115. Add a Thesaurus link
116. Class Birthday list (Primary & Intermediate)
117. Class List (Elementary)
118. Scholastic Book Order information
119. “Going to be absent?” – what to do information
120. Show & Tell guidelines (Elementary)
121. Songs we sing (Elementary)
122. School Handbook link
123. Classroom Volunteer information
124. Composition guidelines (Middle School)
125. Feature “Student Poetry of the Week”
126. Friendly Letter example (Intermediate/Middle School)
127. Link to a webquest
128. Feature a popular book and author
129. Use clip art to emphasize a section or special content
130. Commencement information
131. Health Services information
132. Mission Statement
133. Bullying information – how to report it
134. PTO or PTA information
135. Kindergarten Screening information
136. Create an online debate pertaining to the current or a future lesson
137. Add a photo and have students write a caption. After students have typed captions….share with other students or add photo to a bulletin board with captions.
138. Add a photo and assign students to write a few sentences about it. “Where – When – What?”
139. Add play dough recipes (Primary)
140. Short summary of monthly class themes (Primary)
141. Add a few helpful sentences to explain each section. Be sure to keep your page easy scroll and quickly locate items.
142. Do a weekly syllabus – complete with assignments, information, website links, textbook reading assignments, classroom assignments, handouts, daily Forum, practice quiz and so forth. The great thing about Moodle – complete several weeks and hide all but what you currently will be using in the classroom.
143. Add a Field Trip Photo – assign students to write a few sentences about the trip.
144. Add a Multiplication Tables chart
145. Online Book Report – post an image of a current book you read in class or students read – assign students to critique to the book.
146. Post Practice Questions to help students prepare for an upcoming test.
147. Provide “Science Experiments” information to try at home.
148. Add Wind Turbine information and links to where students can gather daily data from the school turbine.
149. List books for parents/ grandparents to read to children at home. (Elementary)
150. Grandparents Day information
151. Recycling information & schedule
152. Earth Day information
153. Choose a colorful theme for your page! Check to see how the theme appears on a classroom screen.
154. Provide a list of “car songs and ideas” for the family to use while traveling. (Great to add for summer or spring break)

Michelle Vance is the District Technology Director for Ontario Local Schools in Mansfield, Ohio.