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Marketing and Change!
Message in a bottle - castaway Originally uploaded by alles-schlumpf
We know that marketing is changing. We get shopping flyers in our email everyday. We get fewer shopping flyers in our snail mailbox. It is a sign of the time.
However, just as word of mouth has always been a great marketing tool, it still is today, or a form of it. When an individual makes a recommendation, especially someone we know and respect, that recommendation has great value. Conversely, if someone we know has something negative to say, we value that as well.
In order to have a message and build capacity for a product or idea, we need some social leaders to make the first move. Social leaders are those who promote new technologies to help do the hard work of marketing. If I recommend a product or idea, and you know me or know of me you will most likely send this message along. Then all those others who know of me and know you will be likely to continue sharing the message. All of this is to say, here is a great opportunity for all of us to help 10 schools, through this social word of mouth, win a chance at having a LCD projector shipped to their school. Vote for your school, as a school to 'win' a projector. Then spread the word and get the Vote out! The schools with the most votes win the projectors.
Mouth Originally uploaded by Phil Dragash
Well, this kind of contest is not one that my school or schools like mine with small enrollments will ever win. But, in altruistic fashion, I can help other larger schools to win. The biggest winner will be Meeting Tomorrow, especially if they can convince other companies to use this model to 'market' their business and help out schools at the same time.
When I thought about how to involve smaller schools, I emailed the manager at the Meeting Tomorrow business and mentioned that he might want an option for a small school district to actually win, not based on the most counted votes, but rather small schools could be entered into a category for small schools. He said he would consider it. The fact that this is something new and details are being worked out encouraged me. The fact that Meeting Tomorrow is taking a risk, encourages me. I am on board and spreading the word. Be sure to let me know when your school is a winner!
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Here is the marketing message:
We at Meeting Tomorrow Audio Visual think you are providing a great resource for teachers. Our company wants to donate some of our audio visual equipment to the nation’s education system, and hopefully set an example for other companies in our industry to follow suit.
We are giving away 10 LCD projectors to schools throughout the country, and we were hoping you could help us spread the word. We figured this would be a great resource for your readers as well.
Here is the link to the audio visual giveaway if you think this would be something your audience is interested in:
Track the voting results at meetingtomorrow.com/audio-visual-giveaway.html