My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (May 7th 2017)

- 30 Things About Life Everyone Should Learn Before Turning 30 | Inc.comHere is a great blog challenge...take one "life lesson" from this article and blog about it: Working on mine now.
- Infants show racial bias toward members of own ethnicity, against those of others: Racial bias begins earlier than previously thought, new insights into cause -- ScienceDailyThe results show that race-based bias already exists around the second half of a child's first year. This challenges the popular view that race-based bias first emerges only during the preschool years." tags: biasethnicityresearch
- Did KIPP game the U.S. News And World Report rankings?There are a lot of ways to measure the quality of a high school. The way that U.S. News does it is as follows: 75% of the score is the percent of 12th graders who get at least a 3 on at least one AP test. 25% of the score is the percent of 12th graders who took at least one AP test. They call this weighted average the ‘College Ready Index.’ By including the participation rate, a school can’t inflate their scores by only allowing students to take the AP who are most likely to pass. tags: highschoolrankingsusnewsandworldreport
- OER-Enabled PedagogyFrom David Wiley tags: OER
- Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrongThe connection between addiction and isolation tags: addictionisolation
- 6 Tips to Make Your Email Newsletter Visually AppealingA well-executed newsletter is a powerful email tool with multiple benefits, which is why it’s crucial to ensure your newsletter design is visually appealing. If it looks good, readers are more likely to click. tags: emailnewsletter
- 7 Twitter Accounts That Will Make You a Better Social Media Marketer tags: socialmediamarketing
- Redesigning District-Wide Special Education ServicesFrom Meriden CT - "A multipronged approach to improving services for students with special needs." tags: specialeducationservicesbestpractice
- Using No-Agenda Meetings Effectively tags: meetingsnormscommunication
- Innovating Through District-Union Collaboration | tags: collaborationdistrictunion
- Boston Basics Parenting Skills May Close Achievement Gap - The Atlantic tags: parentingskillsachievementgap
- Ms. Desberg on Twitter: "Let's bring the faculty book club discussion group back to Wilmington! And btw - this book is next up on my reading list!"Let's bring the faculty book club discussion group back to Wilmington! And btw - this book is next up on my readin…
- It Is Time to Move Away from the Idea of “Tech Leads”? – The Principal of ChangeGood thoughts from George Couros on moving from tech leads to innovative teaching and learning leads. tags: innovationtechintegration
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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