Digital Teaching and Learning Resources: An EduTech Reader

real textbooks in real shopping carts ...
so *that's* where the metaphor comes from!
Yesterday the World Bank hosted a great discussion related to strategies for tackling the high cost and low availability of textbooks, with a specific focus on needs and contexts across Sub-Saharan Aftrica.
This event served as the Washington, DC launch for a World Bank publication which debuted last year at an event in Cote d'Ivoire, Getting Textbooks to Every Child in Sub-Saharan Africa: Strategies for Addressing the High Cost and Low Availability Problem.
(Those interested in the topic of 'textbooks in Africa' more generally may also wish to have a look at a companion book published by the World Bank in 2015, Where Have All the Textbooks Gone? Toward Sustainable Provision of Teaching and Learning Materials in Sub-Saharan Africa.)
As a complement to yesterday's discussions, a number of posts related to the use of digital teaching and learning materials that have appeared on the World Bank's EduTech blog have been collected here, to make them easier to find, and in case making them available in this way can help in a small way to help enrich any related conversations.
(Please note that additional links will be added to this page over time as relevant related posts appear on the blog.)
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Some additional information about the World Bank's work related to textbooks in Africa:
For an historical perspective, see World Bank support for provision of textbooks in Sub-Saharan Africa - 1985-2000. Issues related to 'textbooks' have consistently been identified as a pressing challenge in numerous World Bank publications over the years, such as Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policies for adjustment, revitalization, and expansion (1988) and A chance to learn: Knowledge and finance for education in Sub-Saharan Africa(2001). And for what it's worth, here are the World Bank operational guidelines for textbooks and reading materials
that were published back in 2002.
The Global Partnership for Education, for which the World Bank serves as a trustee, does a lot of work related to textbooks in Africa. A number of quite useful related documents are available on the GPE web site, many as presentation files; one notable example is Textbook Development in Low Income Countries: A Guide for Policy and Practice, the result of a well-received related seminar and workshop a few years ago.
While we're on the topic:
A Global Book Fund to help support the provision of teaching and learning materials in Africa (and elsewhere) is being explored, led by USAID and a number of other donors. Here's some quick related information, as well as a paper exploring why Every Child Should Have a Textbook (Global Education Monitoring Report Policy Paper 23).
An OECD report from 2009, Beyond Textbooks, a product of an initiative which explored 'digital learning resources as systemic innovation' in the context of schooling across the Nordic countries, may also be of interest.
Note: The image used at the top of this blog post of rows and rows of books ("real textbooks in real shopping carts ... so *that's* where the metaphor comes from!") is ©Jorge Royan. It comes via Wikimedia Commons and is used according to the terms of its Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
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Michael Trucano is the World Bank's Senior Education & Technology Policy Specialist and Global Lead for Innovation in Education, serving as the organization's focal point on issues at the intersection of technology use and education in middle- and low-income countries and emerging markets around the world. Read more at