My Weekly Diigo Bookmarks (December 13, 2015)

- Google: Why it's Winning the Race for American Schools - FortuneWhy Google Is Winning the Race for American Schools #GoogleEDU
- Building SEL Skills Through Cooperative Learningtags:SELskillslearning
- 2016 – the year of MOOC hard questions | The Ed TechieThe Ed TechieGood discussion of the past and future of MOOC'stags:MOOC
- Cards: Twitter Vocabulary | QuizletWe used this Twitter Quizlet to get ready for #NipmucChat.
- susan price on Twitter: "@lindsey_neves #NipmucChat I'm using paper less and less... use it to print out exams..."One of the interesting effects of going 1:1 was the huge drop in the number copies made during the year. #NipmucChat
- Do You Do LCD? (Learner-Centered Design)tags:Learnercentereddesignlearnercentereddesignthinking
- Digital Equity: Who Is Responsible?tags:equityedtechgraphite
- Teaching Bias: The IAT Test | Class NotesTeaching Bias: The IAT Test via @lpahomov
- Commissioner's Weekly Update- Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary EducationWe plan to release accountability data for schls & dists today: Here's a primer: #maedutags:maedu
- The December Dilemma: Acknowledging Religious Holidays in the Classroom | EdutopiaGood post from Edutopia on dealing with holidays in a public school setting tags:decemberdilemmareligiousholidaysculturalawareness
- New report on self-regulation and social competence - Daniel WillinghamFrom Daniel Willingham - "A new working paper from Transforming Education (full disclosure: I’m on their advisory board) does a great job of highlighting the important findings regarding non-cognitive skills, a not-very-precise term originating in economics that refers mostly to self-control and social competence."tags:socialcompetencereportSEL
- Report: Non-Academic Skills Are Key Ingredient To Student SuccessResearch and case studies that measure “soft skills” like self-control, openness to learning and teamwork show that mastery over these abilities can result in significant impacts in students’ lives.tags:skillsstudentsuccess
- Revisiting the 5 Non-Negotiables of Professional Developmenttags:ProfessionalDevelopment
- Creating Your District's Digital Hub | EdutopiaFrom Ross Cooper on Edutopia about organizing resources for teachers in one easy-to-use hub.tags:hubdigitalresources
- It's Time To Admit College Is Driven By Speculation -- Not Investmenttags:collegespeculationinvestment
- How Did the Textbook Go Extinct?Good piece from Carl Hookertags:textbookOER
- Middle School Maker Journey: Top 20 Technologies and ToolsFrom Kevin Jarrett - Good resources for Maker Spaces/Maker Edtags:makeredmakermakerspace
- Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2015: Standardized TestingTechnology trends 2015 from Audrey Watters tags:technolgytrendstesting
- What the Heck Is OER? |Good overview of OER Resources from Edutopiatags:oeredutopia
- Response: Strategies For Dealing With An 'Awful' Textbook - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo - Education Week TeacherGreat ideas for moving away from textbooks and finding more relevant materials online. tags:textbookstrategies
- Equity Matters: Digital and Online Learning for Students with DisabilitiesFrom the Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities tags:onlinelearningstudentswithdisabilities
- Read, Write, Wonder: Little Known Google Tools to Support Literacy - Google SlidesGreat ideas from Shaelynn Farnsowrth h/t to Beth Holland for bookmarking the site.tags:toolssupportliteracygoogle
- Setting the record straight on early literacy instruction -tags:literacyinstructionearlychildhood
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
cross-posted at
Patrick Larkin is the Assistant Superintendent for Learning of Burlington Public Schools in Burlington, MA and the former principal of Burlington High. He blogs about education at
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