Personalized Learning Latest about Personalized Learning Education Elements Announces Grant to Help Implement Personalized Learning By TL Editors published 13 August 19 “By providing recipients with the tools and support they need, we can help drive positive change for schools, teachers, and students,” said Anthony Kim, CEO of Education Elements. New IXL App for Android Phones Released By TL Editors published 8 August 19 Three Keys to Personalizing Learning By Rae Hughart published 13 May 19 One educator explains how she makes it work. New Personalized Learning Toolkit Introduced By TL Editors published 17 April 19 “Whereas I used to spend time researching activities and planning agendas for my schools, I am now able to leverage the resources directly from the kit," said Heather Hurley, supervisor of personalized learning at Arlington Public Schools. October 2019 Tech & Learning Leadership Summit in Chicago, Illinois By TL Editors published 11 April 19 Theme: Using Data to Personalize Learning CatchOn’s Advanced Agent Technology Provides Districts with Data on All Devices By TL Editors published 3 April 19 “In today’s connected world, it’s essential that districts have 24x7 access to the data being generated on all school devices inside AND outside of the classroom." New Report Reveals Top ‘Accelerators’ Driving Digital Transformation By TL Editors published 2 April 19 Selected by an advisory board of edtech experts, the top accelerators are: Learners as Creators; Data-Driven Practices; Personalization; Design Thinking; and Building the Capacity of Human Leaders. Report from ASCD, Part 2: Next Wave of EdTech Resources By Matthew X. Joseph published 1 April 19 Get to know these education technology tools because they will help your instruction, student learning, and growth. Edgenuity Partners with Institute for Teaching and Leading By TL Editors published 7 March 19 The report identifies best practices for the design, implementation and continuous improvement of digital learning models through case studies of schools at various levels of implementation. Today's Newsletter: What is Genuine Personalized Learning? By Steven M. Baule published 18 February 19 Personalized learning must embrace the need to engage the interests of the individual learner. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Archives Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1Edtech Show & Tell: March 202524 Brand New AI Tools For 2025 With The Potential to Change Teaching 3Why We Need More Personalization in Education4How Innovations in K-12 Education Have Evolved Over the Years5One High School Teacher's Strategy For Using AI to Enhance Learning
Education Elements Announces Grant to Help Implement Personalized Learning By TL Editors published 13 August 19 “By providing recipients with the tools and support they need, we can help drive positive change for schools, teachers, and students,” said Anthony Kim, CEO of Education Elements.
Three Keys to Personalizing Learning By Rae Hughart published 13 May 19 One educator explains how she makes it work.
New Personalized Learning Toolkit Introduced By TL Editors published 17 April 19 “Whereas I used to spend time researching activities and planning agendas for my schools, I am now able to leverage the resources directly from the kit," said Heather Hurley, supervisor of personalized learning at Arlington Public Schools.
October 2019 Tech & Learning Leadership Summit in Chicago, Illinois By TL Editors published 11 April 19 Theme: Using Data to Personalize Learning
CatchOn’s Advanced Agent Technology Provides Districts with Data on All Devices By TL Editors published 3 April 19 “In today’s connected world, it’s essential that districts have 24x7 access to the data being generated on all school devices inside AND outside of the classroom."
New Report Reveals Top ‘Accelerators’ Driving Digital Transformation By TL Editors published 2 April 19 Selected by an advisory board of edtech experts, the top accelerators are: Learners as Creators; Data-Driven Practices; Personalization; Design Thinking; and Building the Capacity of Human Leaders.
Report from ASCD, Part 2: Next Wave of EdTech Resources By Matthew X. Joseph published 1 April 19 Get to know these education technology tools because they will help your instruction, student learning, and growth.
Edgenuity Partners with Institute for Teaching and Leading By TL Editors published 7 March 19 The report identifies best practices for the design, implementation and continuous improvement of digital learning models through case studies of schools at various levels of implementation.
Today's Newsletter: What is Genuine Personalized Learning? By Steven M. Baule published 18 February 19 Personalized learning must embrace the need to engage the interests of the individual learner.