inclusion Latest about inclusion Making School Safety Alerts Accessible to All By Erik Ofgang published 11 December 23 How one district uses technology to ensure safety alerts are accessible to all 5 Tips for Finding Effective DEI Coaching By Erik Ofgang published 29 March 23 The right coach can help education leaders build their DEI programs in effective and meaningful ways, says Dr. Courtney L. Teague, who shares tips for finding that coach Lady Luck: The Challenges of Women Moving Into Education Leadership By Dr. Kecia Ray published 14 March 23 Despite long making up more than half the education workforce, women have had a long struggle getting to the highest leadership positions Reimagining Search Committee Service By Jonathan L. Wharton, Ph.D. published 8 March 23 How serving on a search committee can help reshape your institution Putting the MEN in Mentoring: Practical Ways Men Can Be Better Allies By Ivy Nelson published 1 March 23 How men can improve their mentoring and allyship efforts The Admiral Squad: How One School District Promotes Staff Diversity By Erik Ofgang published 9 February 23 Middletown City Schools does not have many Black male employees. The Admiral Squad was formed to help change that. Improving DEI District-Wide By Erik Ofgang last updated 24 October 22 The David Douglas School District's DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) efforts have led to restorative justice practices in the classroom and more diversity among educators. What Does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Look Like in Practice? By Christine Weiser published 18 April 22 At the CoSN conference in Nashville, school district administrators gathered for the first annual meeting of “The Network” to discuss what DEI looks like in practice in their districts - and what more work needs to be done. 5 Tips for Culturally Responsive Teaching By Erik Ofgang published 4 January 22 Educator Audrey Muhammad shares culturally responsive teaching strategies for educators in any subject Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1Teaching Quantum Mechanics In How to Use It to Teach Math310 Free AI Trainings and Certifications for Educators4How to Overcome Anxiety Associated with Test Taking5Using AI “Speed Dating” To Introduce AI in a Controlled Environment
Making School Safety Alerts Accessible to All By Erik Ofgang published 11 December 23 How one district uses technology to ensure safety alerts are accessible to all
5 Tips for Finding Effective DEI Coaching By Erik Ofgang published 29 March 23 The right coach can help education leaders build their DEI programs in effective and meaningful ways, says Dr. Courtney L. Teague, who shares tips for finding that coach
Lady Luck: The Challenges of Women Moving Into Education Leadership By Dr. Kecia Ray published 14 March 23 Despite long making up more than half the education workforce, women have had a long struggle getting to the highest leadership positions
Reimagining Search Committee Service By Jonathan L. Wharton, Ph.D. published 8 March 23 How serving on a search committee can help reshape your institution
Putting the MEN in Mentoring: Practical Ways Men Can Be Better Allies By Ivy Nelson published 1 March 23 How men can improve their mentoring and allyship efforts
The Admiral Squad: How One School District Promotes Staff Diversity By Erik Ofgang published 9 February 23 Middletown City Schools does not have many Black male employees. The Admiral Squad was formed to help change that.
Improving DEI District-Wide By Erik Ofgang last updated 24 October 22 The David Douglas School District's DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) efforts have led to restorative justice practices in the classroom and more diversity among educators.
What Does Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Look Like in Practice? By Christine Weiser published 18 April 22 At the CoSN conference in Nashville, school district administrators gathered for the first annual meeting of “The Network” to discuss what DEI looks like in practice in their districts - and what more work needs to be done.
5 Tips for Culturally Responsive Teaching By Erik Ofgang published 4 January 22 Educator Audrey Muhammad shares culturally responsive teaching strategies for educators in any subject