Digital Portfolios Latest about Digital Portfolios Flexible, Robust Portfolio Tool Supports Student Learning & Assessment By TL Editors published 7 May 18 Take Organization to the Next Level With Today's Top Site By TL Editors published 3 May 18 10 Types of Digital Activities to Engage Teenagers By Shelley Terrell published 31 January 18 10 Tips for Embedding Digital Portfolios as Part of Your Classroom Habits By Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano published 28 December 17 Video: EdTech Showdown: Seesaw vs. FreshGrade By Tech & Learning published 16 September 16 Here's a quick, side-by-side comparison of two popular options for digital portfolios and assessment: Seesaw and FreshGrade. FIVE SHIFTS FOR MY CLASSROOM IN 2016 By Adam Schoenbart published 24 August 16 Here are five big ideas I’ve been thinking about for my classroom—the seeds of innovation I intend to develop this year. Digital Portfolios: Blogs VS. Seesaw By Silvia Tolisano published 2 August 16 Just recently, I started learning about the Seesaw platform by attending several workshops at different conferences. Class Tech Tips: Edusight Notes for iOS: Standards Based Portfolio By Monica Burns published 27 August 15 Edusight is a standards-based portfolio to help teachers document student learning with grades, notes, photos, and audio/video comments. 1 2 3 Archives Tech & Learning NewsletterTools and ideas to transform education. Sign up below.* To subscribe, you must consent to Future’s privacy policy. MORE FROM TECH & LEARNING...1Teaching Quantum Mechanics In K-12210 Free AI Trainings and Certifications for How to Use It to Teach Math4How to Overcome Anxiety Associated with Test Taking5Using AI “Speed Dating” To Introduce AI in a Controlled Environment
Flexible, Robust Portfolio Tool Supports Student Learning & Assessment By TL Editors published 7 May 18
10 Tips for Embedding Digital Portfolios as Part of Your Classroom Habits By Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano published 28 December 17
Video: EdTech Showdown: Seesaw vs. FreshGrade By Tech & Learning published 16 September 16 Here's a quick, side-by-side comparison of two popular options for digital portfolios and assessment: Seesaw and FreshGrade.
FIVE SHIFTS FOR MY CLASSROOM IN 2016 By Adam Schoenbart published 24 August 16 Here are five big ideas I’ve been thinking about for my classroom—the seeds of innovation I intend to develop this year.
Digital Portfolios: Blogs VS. Seesaw By Silvia Tolisano published 2 August 16 Just recently, I started learning about the Seesaw platform by attending several workshops at different conferences.
Class Tech Tips: Edusight Notes for iOS: Standards Based Portfolio By Monica Burns published 27 August 15 Edusight is a standards-based portfolio to help teachers document student learning with grades, notes, photos, and audio/video comments.