Teach Design, PBL and More With Animated Presentation Tool

Teach Design, PBL and More With Animated Presentation Tool


Cool presentation tool lets students turn slides into video animations

Pros: Presentations look clean and professional and add an element of fun.

Cons: Presentations can be slow to load, and the ability to add images from Flickr and other online platforms may result in student access to inappropriate content.

Bottom Line: With guidance and oversight, students will have fun making creative video presentations, but more collaborative features and classroom support would help.

[Create Stylish, Engaging Presentations with Top Slideshow App]

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Site of the Week picks are selected from the top edtech tools reviewed by Common Sense Education, which helps educators find the best edtech tools, learn best practices for teaching with tech, and equip students with the skills they need to use technology safely and responsibly.

By Common Sense Education