Power To Learn - A service of Cablevision

Name:Power To Learn - A service of Cablevision

Brief Description of the Site:
Power to Learn is brought to us online by cablevision. The highlighted topics for study are always changing, be it homage to flight (January's exploration) or winter's effects on people and the environment. Local interest focuses on New York and New Jersey, but site features such as "Ask the Expert" (such as the curator of the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, New York), Games, For Teachers, For Students, and For Parents, offer a variety of interesting activities and facts. There's plenty to do on this site, yet it's manageable. Children will find this site worth exploring without difficulty.

How to use the site:
Each category links to a number of subcategories. School to Career offers a host of links to the professional world from sports to city services to environmental jobs. The Games link includes weather, math, art, a millennium match game, and a very funny recycle game that forces you to match garbage with the right recycle can. New Yorkers will relate to this activity as recycle rules are ever changing confusing well meaning environmentally correct efforts. Switched on Quotes are entertaining and will take a while to figure out. Throughout the site you'll need the latest version of Shockwave, which is offered through a popup alert offering to download the latest free player. The section for teachers offers software reviews, lesson activities across the curriculum. These are .pdf files in three categories: elementary, middle school, and high school. The "For Students" link offers tips for computers and homework, links to dictionary.com, and offers to buy or try software. The "For Parents" category offers information on parenting and technology, software reviews, standards and testing, and a link to assistive technology for special needs children. "Gadget Gals" (under "For Parents") demystifies some of the tech terms that are attached to the latest gadgets on the market with articles and reviews for the consumer. A free Power to Learn newsletter is available for those wishing to subscribe on the site.

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