New Findings on Mobile Device Use in Schools

New Findings on Mobile Device Use in Schools

A new survey of over 2,000 students in grades 4–12 has found that, while student ownership of mobile devices continues to increase, wi-fi connectivity at school lags behind that at home:

■ 96% of students in grades 4–12 reported having wi-fi access at home.

■ Only 68% of those same students said they can connect to wi-fi at school.

■ 80% of high-school students own a smartphone.

■ Laptops remain the most commonly used device for schoolwork, with high-school students nearly eight times as likely to prefer laptops, notebooks, and Chromebooks for learning (38% to 5%).

■ Most students feel they know more about laptops and other computers than their teachers.

■ The proportion of students learning in a 1:1 environment rose to 19 percent, up from 16 percent in 2014.

See for a link to the full report.