Editors Desk: Let It In
Since 2010, the editors at Tech & Learning have used the June Leadership issue to highlight people we believe are having a powerful effect in the edtech world.
Since 2010, the editors at Tech & Learning have used the June Leadership issue to highlight people we believe are having a powerful effect in the edtech world. In the past, that effect may not always have been positive. More than a few angry notes would work their way into my inbox asking exactly why this Fortune 500 CEO or that Secretary of Education made the list. Sometimes it was the topic that was the problem. How could issues surrounding social media or data privacy be something to be celebrated?
This year we felt a change in semantics was in order. Instead of the most influential people in edtech, we focused on those we find the most inspirational. Contributing writer Sascha Zuger interviewed several of our favorites, including Iran Davar Ardalan, Founder and Storyteller-in-Chief of IVOW, whose mission is to incorporate the use of artificial intelligence to develop culturally conscious data strategies (I’ll leave it for Sascha to explain what that means on page 16); “The Tech Rabbi” Michael Cohen, who challenges teachers and students to find creativity in their work; and our first non-human inductees, Milo and Neo, who are changing the social emotional learning landscape.
We’ll be celebrating these honorees this month at the ISTE show in Philadelphia, along with the winners of our annual Best of Show contest, where our advisors seek out and award the best tech announced at the show. Be sure to follow our coverage online at techlearning.com and follow us follow our ISTE coverage at #MyISTE19.
— Kevin Hogan
Managing Director,
Content kevin.hogan@futurenet.com
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