

Brief Description of the Site:
Produced by Education Society of Alberta, Canada, this is an especially content-rich site for teachers, students, and parents. For teachers there are lots of links under five broad headings: Constructing Knowledge, P.D. Growth, Curricular Resources, Project Centre, and Teacher Tools. Each brings up access to dozens of resources (although some reflects the Canada-specific view of the site's creators. There are three discrete segments for students: those in K-6, those considered "teens" and those in grades 10 - 12. All offer a broad range of topics such as Homework Help, Report writing, Searching the Net, Study Hall (a compendium of resources like on-line almanacs), and even "Fun Stuff." For parents there are segments on Child Safety, Virtual Trips, A Guide to the 'Net, and even Homework Help. And for all there are the "Enjoy" pages, links to topics such as Enjoy Valentine's Day or Enjoy Winter.

How to use the site:
Use one of the search options to find an eclectic assortment of links for a particular subject. For example, asking to find sites relevant to biology for grades 7-9 brings up a list of 100+ links, some (Epidemic - the World of Infectious Disease) more relevant than others (Dinosaurs in Cyberspace). The Project segment allows one to seek out interesting projects or teachers interested in collaborating, although again a lot here is Canada-specific. But definitely recommend the student-centered segments to your students. And do check out the "Enjoy" pages.

Submitted by:
Christel Smith