Why You Should Care About Stupid Edtech Ideas! #ISTE19 Panel Reflection

For the past couple of years I’ve been a live reporter at ISTE and for 2 years interviewed folks with my toddler, Savvy. This year I am attending the amazing ISTE conference virtually thanks to #PasstheScopeEDU and the #NOTatISTE19 team! Below I have embedded F. Margret Atkinson’s recording of the ISTE session, More Stupid Ideas in Edtech (and Why You Should Totally Do Them) with @adambellow @leobrehm @smartinez @teach42 @jamiedonally and @andrewtwallace. The panel was quite humorous and some even poked fun at some of their ideas. The panel covered many different topics such as screen time, iPads, AR, VR, Twitter, Hour of Code, and even acronyms. The audience left with great technology integration ideas, tools, and laughs. However, the key takeaway can be summed up by @MeganBFrazer’s tweet:

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Click to Watch the Recording

Below is the recording of the session thanks to F. Margret Atkinson (@fmargret).

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Highlighted Tweets

Wakelet is a great free curation tool to capture thoughts, reflections, and reactions from Twitter during a keynote and presentation. These are some of the highlighted tweets commenting on the panel.

If you are not at ISTE then check out ways this incredible infographic of ways to participate virtually created by @Edublogs.

cross posted at teacherrebootcamp.com

Shelly Terrell is a Technology and Computer teacher, education consultant, and author of books including Hacking Digital Learning Strategies: 10 Ways to Launch EdTech Missions in Your Classroom. Read more at teacherrebootcamp.com.

Shelly Terrell is an education consultant, technology trainer, and author. Read more at teacherrebootcamp.com