What’s new at SchoolCIO?

There are some big changes happening at schoolcio.com, the Tech & Learning site dedicated to big picture issues facing schools today.
We know T&L readers are smart, tech savvy, and no longer need to read primers about why teachers should use Twitter. You deal with the nitty gritty of getting your teachers trained, your tech integrated successfully, and maintaining the support of your school community. We see SchoolCI O as a partner to making these logistics happen on a district-wide level, a community level. How do you keep that tech funding going once the grants dry up? How will Common Core standards affect the technology plan you finally solidified last year? How can you change your district Acceptable Use Policies to get that Bring Your Own Tech program going—and should you when half of your students are on free and reduced lunch?
We hope that by providing both perspectives through print, online, and events, Tech & Learning can be your partner in creating smarter schools and successful learners. We invite you to visit the new SchoolCIO.com, featuring:
New SchoolCIO editor: Ellen Ullman has been a magazine writer and editor since 1987. She worked at Small Business Computing and FamilyPC , and in 2003 began reporting on K12 and higher edtech. Email Ellen your stories, questions, or comments to SchoolCIO@nbmedia.com.
Regular blog posts and editorial guidance from our new SchoolCIO Advisors: We have asked for insight from some of the smartest leaders in edtech who will be sharing their experience through blog posts, profiles, and more. ScholCIO Advisors include:
Rob Mancabelli, chief information officer for Trinity School in New York.
Doug Johnson, director of media and technology for the Mankato (MN) Public Schools and author of five books, a long-running column in Library Media Connection, and the Blue Skunk Blog.
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Debbie Karcher, CIO for Miami- Dade County Public Schools, the fourth largest school district in the nation.
Thuan Nguyen, chief information and operations officer for the Kent (WA) School District, and one of T&L’s “Top 100 Education Leaders.”
Karen Fuller, chief technology officer at Klein ISD, and a regular presenter at education conferences, including Tech Forum Southwest.
Nancy Caramanico, director of technology, K-12, for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Schools.
Julie Carter, executive director of technology from Minnetonka (MN ) School District, and one of T&L’s 2010 Leader of the Year.
Jim Klein, director of information services and technology for the Saugus Union School District.
Chad Maxa, director of IT at the Intermediate District 287, MN.
Coby Culbertson, director of technology from the Western Dubuque Community School District, IA.
Jen LaMaster, educational technology coordinator from Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School in Indianapolis, IN.
SchoolCIO.com will also keep you posted on the latest industry trends and resources, hires and fires, news about districts that get it and districts that don’t, and much more. Watch also for a new Web site design, coming soon.