Top 10 Online Stories

Top 10 Online Stories

1 Math League: Whole Numbers

This site is divided into two sections, “Using Whole Numbers” and “Operations and Their Properties.”

2 2012 Leaders of the Year Announced

Tech & Learning magazine named four educators as winners in its 25th annual Leader of the Year program.

3 Microsoft on 1:1

Lisa Nielsen reports on an event with Anthony Salcito, VP of education for Microsoft, where he shares his thoughts on 1:1 programs.

4 Video Tutorial

Brad Flickinger shares the tools he’s used to introduce 21st-century skills to his students and the impact he has seen in his classroom.

5 20+ Apps to Support the Digital Storytelling Process

Shelly Terrell highlights some of the many free online tools to help students create and learn through digital storytelling.

6 Get to Know “Google: Good to Know”

Bob Sprankle reports on Google’s “Good to Know” page, which he cites as the perfect addition to any digital curriculum.

7 Apps for Students with Dyslexia

Vicki Windman reports on apps that are ideal for children with dyslexia.

8 Top 100 Sites and Apps of 2012

David Kapuler compiles his annual list of favorite apps and Web sites.

9 Report from SIIA Ed Tech Business Forum 2012

Ken Royal reports on the SIIA’s 2012 Ed Tech Business Forum.

10 Amazing Twitter Secrets

Mike Gorman writes why he thinks Twitter is one of the best tools to find the very newest in education news, tools, resources, and reflections.